1 | Bad News

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just a reminder is that this is a sequel! so if you haven't already read the first part on my profile! (No Other Girl) enjoy!

10 months later...

"Emily!" Julie yelled from downstairs.

Did she have to interrupt at a time like this? I was in the middle of trying to get a hold of Thomas. His flight back to L.A. is supposed to be here tomorrow and I wanted to talk to him one more time before he could take off.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"The phone!"

I made my way downstairs expecting it to be my brother again. We weren't fighting or anything it's just he could be so annoying sometimes. At the moment he's an engineer. So he got what he wanted. He says once he makes a good amount of dough he'd move out here which I don't mind... unless he keeps annoying me at times like these.

I went into the kitchen where Julie was cooking breakfast as usual.

"Where's the phone?" I asked.

She pointed to the table. I grabbed it and put it up to my ear.


"How's my girl?"

"Thomas. Why haven't you returned any of my calls?"

"So you're upset obviously."

"Not now. I'm happy to hear your voice."

"That's good. But I have some bad news."

"No good news?"

"Just bad."

"Don't tell me you're not coming tomorrow."

"That's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Seriously Thomas? After all this time of planning and you can't come? Can I ask why?"

At this point Julie already left the room. I was pissed.

"Flight delay."

"That's just great."

I could hear him laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You're cute when you're mad."

"Oh shut up. So when can I see you?"

"A week at the most."

I sighed. "Okay Thomas. A week. I love you."

"Love you too Em. Bye."

I hung up the phone.

Not gonna lie being in a long distance relationship was harder then I thought. All I could think about was him. There were nights I cried myself to sleep and ones where I didn't sleep at all.

Texts and calls were okay. Skypes even better. But nothing compared to in the flesh. So of course I was devastated when I found out he wasn't coming tomorrow.

But I guess being apart made us stronger as a couple.

After an hour of mourning Julie and I decided to go out. Well she forced me. To be honest she held herself together better then I did this whole entire time the boys were gone.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we got settled into the car.

"Secret." she said putting her index finger over her lip.

"Julie why do you make me go through with these things? You know I hate surprises."

"I'm doing you a favor."

Before I could reply she turned up the radio full blast. I must've sound like a whiny bitch to her. I never meant to but Thomas put me into a bummed mood.

After driving for about ten minutes we pulled up to a mini golf course.

"Julie I haven't been to one of these in years!" Not gonna lie I was pretty excited.

"Same now let's go!"

After getting everything we needed we started at the first hole. Julie was already wooping my ass. I didn't mind though. It was still really fun.

"Thanks Julie." I finally said.

"No problem. I had to get us out of that house."

I decided to change the subject cause I was curious. "How are you taking the news about the delay?"

"I'm being optimistic. Anthony's been really patient to which makes it easier for me."

"Wish I can be that way too."

"Don't worry Em. Only seven more days."

"But then it's only 3 months before they take off again."

The Wanted are doing a second season of their show before going back on tour. I didn't mind at all because if they weren't then I'd only have a week with Thomas.

"Well then we'll just have to make these 3 months count." she stated.

"I guess so."

"Okay enough of this talk. It's your turn!"


We were on our way home when I got a call from Thomas. At the same exact time Anthony texted Julie.

"Hey Thomas."

"How was your day?"

"It was fun. Julie and I went to a mini golf course."

"Please tell me you won."

"Not even close."

He laughed. "Well just wanted to say I love you."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Cocky are we?"

"Don't act like you're not."

"I only am because I have something to brag about. You."

I smiled. "Well so do I."

"I'm not that great."

"Cmon Thomas. You're like hd in real life."

"Okay now you're lying to yourself."

"Am not."

"Shush. Anyways I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Just a couple more days and I'll be able to hold and kiss you."

In the backround I could hear "eeewwww" and "get it thomas!"

"The boys?" I asked smiling.

"Yea they just got back upstairs."

"Well Julie and I just pulled up to the house so I'm gonna hit the hay. Talk to ya tomorrow."

"Sleep well mi amor."

I hung up.

Even though he made me happier than I already was tomorrow was gonna be saddening all over again. But mine as well get it over with.


hope you enjoyed that first chapter of the sequel! i can't really promise any updates on a certain date rn but i'll try at least once a week! but when i do i'll post two chapters. so 30+ reads i'll update!

btw the title of the story is named after the song "beside you" by marianas trench! check it out in the info!!!

first to comment and vote gets a dedication! <<< i will be doing this for EVERY chapter.

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