22 | Old Habits

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I woke up with aches in my legs. Mostly my ankle. Stupid roller skates. I texted Colton about going over and he didn't refuse. Was kind of hoping he would. If things did go terribly wrong all I'd have to do was knock on the apartment door right next to his.

I think I was gonna surprise Taylor just for the hell of it. He seems really busy lately. Well makes sense he got a new position at some place. Hopefully he wasn't stressing. My phone started to vibrate. Text from Thomas.

'Morning beautiful. (:'

'morning thomas.'

'What are your plans for today?'

I wasn't gonna lie to him. 'i was just about to leave to Colton's house and visit my brother after.'

'Oh. I forgot they live right next to each other. Be good. (;'

'i'll call you as soon as i'm done.'

With that I got ready. Surprised he didn't question me. Well that's a good sign I guess. He trusts me.


I arrived on the sixth floor. My hands got clammy before knocking. Shit. Hopefully I don't blow this. It opened and Colton greeted me with a smile.

"Come on in." he said.

I walked in and instead of sitting on the couch we went into the kitchen. He was cooking something and it smelt awesome.

"Whatcha cooking?" I asked sitting down on one of the diner chairs.

"Some chicken stir fry."

"Smells great."

"Thanks." he lowered the stove and sat next to me. "So what's up?"

"Are we cool? I feel so awkward talking to all the rest of the guys and me and you aren't."

"Of course we're okay. I owe you an apology."

I waited for him to go on.

He sighed. "I'm sorry. I was stupid for even thinking you would give me a chance. You and Thomas are meant for each other. I know that now. I guess I was just so annoyed with him still talking to Felicia and all something just snapped. I thought you could do better." I was shocked. He actually liked me. "And another thing, you don't have to worry about Thomas. I told him what happened and we're fine."

"Well that's good. Do you... erm. Ugh how do I say this?!"

"Do I have still have any feelings for you?"

I nodded my head slowly afraid of what he would say.

"Did. I'll always love you as a friend."

I smiled. "Back at you."

He opened his arms wide and I returned the hug. That was easier then I thought it was gonna be. I feel like a huge weight was lifted off my chest.

"I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna go next door. Surprise my brother." I pulled away.

"Okay. I'll be here. Stir fry should be done soon so you're welcome to back."

"Maybe." I gave him one quick hug before exiting the apartment. I knocked on my brothers door. He took forever to open it.

"Oh hey kiddo. Right now isn't the best time."

Suddenly I heard a voice. Girl. "Is that the pizza babe?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Babe?" I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Come in. I do the talking okay?" he warned "zipping" his lips.

Beside You (Sequel to No Other Girl)Where stories live. Discover now