19 | Time

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I looked at Thomas's facial expression. He was just as shocked as I was.

"This has to be a joke." I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"You guys know each other?" Avery asked confused.

"Yes we do." Felicia winked at me.

I felt Thomas's touch on my knee. He obviously was trying to calm me but I just couldn't do it.

"We're leaving. Now." I told Thomas. He stood up. "Sorry Avery but I can't do this. Not with her."

He seemed hurt. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain later. In the meantime find a new girl. This ones trash."

"Awww honey. Still upset?" she made a puppy dog face.

"No I'm happy as could fucking be! Wanna come outside? Maybe we could hug it all out."

"I'm fine here."

I slammed my hand on the table. "No really. Let's go. I have a lot of stuff on my mind that I really need to tell you."

She yawned loudly. "Awww I wasn't here when the waitress brought our drinks. It'd be awesome of you could go fetch me one thanks." She pulled out her little make up mirror and began to check herself.

"Here have mine." I grabbed my drink and threw it in her face. That got a few laughs from bystanders. She stood up.

"I can't believe you did that!" she grabbed the nearest napkin and began to clean her face.

"Are you gonna do something about it?"

"Whoa. Calm down!" Avery ordered.

"Cmon let's go. She's not worth it." Thomas whispered in my ear.

I ignored him and started making my way towards Felicia. Before I even had the chance to touch her Thomas picked me up and started to carry me out of the restaurant.

Once we made it outside he put me down.

"Can I once put a dent in her face without being carried away?!"

"She's not worth it."

"Well after all the shit she put us through, I think she is. Plus she backstabbed Avery. She knew what she was doing. He actually liked her!" I was heated.

"I understand but you need to relax. This isn't the place nor time you wanna do this." I didn't like the seriousness in his voice.

"Fine. Didn't feel like breaking my hands anyways."

He gave me a light chuckle. I entered the car and began to feel a headache come over me. Great.

"Are you okay?"

"No. Can we just go?"

"As you wish."

Traffic hit us on the way home.

"Wow. A lot of people out tonight."

I didn't reply. Instead I turned on the radio. "Endlessly" by The Cab was on.

"It's funny actually. I played this song almost every night on tour. Can never get enough of it."

"It's an amazing song."

I'm not perfect, but I swear
I'm perfect for you
And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy
It's not a miracle ya need
Believe me
Yeah, I'm no angel
I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
Wings aren't what you need
You need me

I found myself crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked holding my hand.

"Nothing. We've been through a lot of shit. Haven't we?" I smiled wiping away my tears.

"Yea we have. If I had to change anything it'd be the day Felicia called."

"I'm over it Thomas. You're right. She's not worth it."

He smiled. His smile.

Guilt. That's what I felt. He needs to know what happened between me and Colton. I have to tell him. Not Colton. Me.

"Thomas can I tell you something?"

"Hold on." He rolled down his window. "Turn on your blinker idiot!" he yelled at the car in front of us. "Sorry. Hate traffic. Anyways, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Something happened the other day and I'm not sure how to say this. To be honest I kind of regret bringing it up."

"You're starting to scare me. What happened Emily?"

I sighed. "Colton. We almost kissed."

His face was blank of expression.

"The only thing that stopped us was Taylor coming in the room before it happened." Silence. "Thomas. Please talk to me."

"And tell you what? That it's okay?"

"It's not. But don't forget what happened between you and Felicia."

"This is different."


"He's like my brother Em."

"Same to me." Silence again. "Just promise me you won't do anything stupid. Please."

He sighed deeply. "Are you sure it was almost?"


"I promise then."


Home. Julie texted me that she wouldn't be here till tomorrow. Anthony. The car came to a halt and I felt like I had to make it up to Thomas somehow.

"Goodnight Em."

"I don't want to leave."

"Well what did you have in mind?"

"Stay the night?"

"Isn't that rushing? I thought we were taking things slow."

"Looks like we're breaking that rule." I opened my door.

"Hold on."

I closed my door and looked at him.

"What's the real reason you want me to stay? Feel bad for me? I'm a big boy Em. I can deal with this on my own. I promised you to do nothing stupid."

"I know- I just."

"I feel like you need time. To think. Time away from me."

"I've had too much time away from you already. Are you saying you want to break up?"

"No. I hope it never does come to that but you're confused."

"What do you-"

He cut me off. "Don't deny it."

It's true. I am. Everything he's saying is true. Everything's resolved now. We know each others secrets. Now what? This going slow method isn't helping at all. Maybe I did more time to myself. Not needing to worry about anyone else. Just focusing on me.

"But if I do take some time what will you do?"

"I'll be waiting." he kissed my hand. "I promise."

I gave him a hug. "Exactly how long will this take?"

"However much you make it."

I pulled away. "Don't be surprised if it's only a day."

"I can wait forever. You should get going. It's already going on twelve."

"Night." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before exiting the car.

Even though I knew it would be hard I feel like this method would help.


i know this chapter is sucky but it'll get better. promise!!! feedback? vote? share with friends! thanks for reading.

Beside You (Sequel to No Other Girl)Where stories live. Discover now