25 | Waiting

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Colton didn't want me to see Thomas until he was sober which made sense. It'd just make things worse. He told me to just wait until later on in the morning. I kept on asking questions but he just told me to sleep. So that's what I'm trying to do. Not working. I just needed to know that Thomas was okay.

I thought about texting Cameron but didn't. Suddenly my phone rang again. It was Thomas.

"Hello?" I answered quickly.

"Yea... erm I found this phone right here on the bartop and was wondering if you had any idea how you could get it back to the owner?" It was a girl.

He lost his phone?!

"Can you just give it to the bartender? I'll make sure to pick it up tomorrow."

"Will do."

"Thank you for turning it in."

"No problem." she hung up.

I started to feel a headache coming on so I watched TV. Nothing was on that really interested me. Time went by and I still didn't feel the urge to rest. I just waited for a phone call to say I could see Thomas.


8AM. Still no sleep. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Julie walked in. "Breakfast is ready."

"I don't want anything."

"Sorry grumpy. You look really tired."

"Cause I am. Haven't slept since 3."

"What? Why?"

I explained to her everything.

"I'm gonna call Anthony." Julie began to leave the room but I stopped her.

"No. Colton told me to just wait for a call, so that's what I'm doing."

"Are you serious?"


"Ugh that annoys me."

My phone began to go off. Colton's I.D. popped up.


"Hey Emily, it's me." Thomas.

"Where the hell are you?"


"I'm on my way."

"You can't drive. Have Julie bring you."

I hung up.

"So?" Julie stood by the door tapping her foot.

"You're driving me to Colton's."


I didn't care if I saw Taylor. That wasn't gonna get in the way of me seeing Thomas. We arrived on the floor and me and Julie quickly made our way to the door. She knocked on it and Colton answered it.

"Julie. I hope you don't mind if we go on a walk while Thomas talks to Em."

Julie looked at me. "You'll be okay?"

"Yea." I nodded and Colton let me in while he walked out.

I walked into the living room and there sat Thomas on the couch. He wasn't facing me. He didn't even turn around. I'm sure he knew I was here though because he tensed up.

I made my way over to the couch and sat next to him. I gasped a little when I saw his face. He had a black eye.

"Thomas what happened?"

He looked at me with solemn eyes. "It wasn't my fault."

"Never said it was."

He sighed. "He was really pushing the limit."

"Just tell me what happened and where."

"At the bar. He happened to be there. He sat next to me and started to make 'conversation.' He was already drunk. I was somewhat buzzed. Anyways, he insulted you. I snapped. Next thing I knew we were yelling at each other and this happened." he pointed to his eye. "I hope you're not mad."

"I'd be stupid if I was. Just maybe next time he'd be the one getting the black eye and not you."

He half smiled. "Don't worry. I got a couple shots in there before Anthony could pull me away."

"I don't know why I even wasted my time with that guy. To be honest his painting is in my closet. I meant to give it back to him in person but I think I'll just throw it out."

"That's my girl." Thomas kissed my head pulling me in closer to him.

There was a knock on the front door.

"Hold on. I'll get it." I told Thomas before he could get up.

"You should be resting your ankle!" he yelled as I walked off.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door.



another cliffhanger! sorry.

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updated two days in a row. yay! (:

until next time readers...

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