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"Hey Dad". Joni threw the frisbee at her dad. She was panting, sweating and soaked in an eight year old's enthusiasm. With quick reflexes she caught the frisbee he threw back at her.
"Here it comes...!" She returned it with all the strength she had in her.
"Wow" he exclaimed when he caught it back. "Trebien, you've got a great arm".
"Merci" she replied shyly, turning pink immediately.
"Ok, avez-vous faim?" He wiped beads of sweat from his forehead
"Oui, am starving!"
He looked at the rest of the family enjoying picnique on the grass not too far. He was panting heavier than normal but brushed it off, maybe he was growing old. As they started to make their way to the rest of the family, Joni bent down to re-tie her shoe laces. Brushing off dirt from her both knees, she got up and noticed her dad clutching his chest as he fell to the ground. She saw his lips move rapidly and figured he was saying something in french but then it became slower and looked as if he was repeating one thing all over again before he stopped. Joni was petrified as she watched colour slowly drain from his face.

"MUM!" She yelled from her frozen spot.

Hours later.......

"Mrs Peron?" A doctor walked out into the reception area.

Her head snapped up revealing swollen eyes and a sore face. " Yes".

"Can I see you in my office?"

"Why of course." She added a little strength in her voice as she tried to find her composure.

The way he tarried before saying anything made her head imagine what her heart rebuked."Mrs Peron," he saw the hope in her eyes "I'm so sorry, "

sure you are.

"- we did all we could,"

sure you did.

"- I wish he made it," he studied her composed demeanour for a second before he dropped the bomb "- but he didn't. I'm sorry". He was expecting a simultaneous outburst of tears and perphaps a suicide attempt but none. Not on the well composed french- italian woman.

" Thank you". Was the only reply he got before she got up to leave.

" Madam?" he called before she could get hold of the door knob causing her to stop but not turn. He knew it was stupid and inappropriate to ask but " Are you alright?" This time she did turn and his mouth fell open - she looked like a ghost. She was barely able to shake her head before she slummed in a faint.

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