Chap 2- Anita Dale; not your favorite ball of sunshine.

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" He got home drunk? " Kelly asked in disbelief as she slipped into her jeans.
"Yep, his mum was literally sinking in an emotional breakdown last night. " Joni removed her trainers and put them in her gym bag.
"But he's not even legal, is he?." Arie asked but before Joni could answer, a pair of heels clicking did so.

" Hello Anita."

"Hi Joni, do you have a minute?" The girl in designers jacket with shorts too short for school stood in her heels, twirling a lock of her obviously dyed-to-the-root blond hair gave Joni a hypocritical smile that concealed all her evilness.

"No." Joni replied not concealing her disgust for the girl.

"'Kay, then I'll tell you here. Am sure your little warts wouldn't mind." She said as her friends started snickering.They were all cheerleaders. It's either they're fighting over a boy, dresses, makeup or just bullying people who don't drool over them 'cause they consider it a threat to their popularity.

"Watch your mouth Anita." Kelly- who had a temper- stepped a fraction closer wagging the warning finger at her.

"Temper, temper. I only came here to talk to the mademoiselle," She gestured her hand to Joni then said in a stern voice " Stay away from Luc."

Joni could only laugh " Really?, that's all you came here for, Your highness." Then both Arie and Kelly joined to have a good laugh.

" They've been over for like 2 months and she still wants him back?" Kelly said before bursting into more laughter.

"He completely disgraced her infront of the whole school when she wouldn't stop pestering him even after they were done." Joni laughed some more.

"He totally hates you." Arie told her then laughed a little more when she noticed that Anita no longer had that dominating look on her face.
"Laugh all you can but I know Luc wants me back." Anita tried to sound confident with what she saying.
"He does?" Dana asked confused.
"Of course he does." She hissed at her giving her eye signs to get her to cooperate.
"He was literally begging her to take him back." Mildred said ,pausing her lips for emphasis.
"Totally." Dana added her unintelligent remark when she got the hang of it.
"So hybrid are you gonna stay away or what?" Anita resumed her stance of confidence; a hand on her hip and the other one twirling a lock of her fake blond hair.
"Luc doesn't want you back." She retorted.
"Say what you want but you have been forewarned. Come on girls." She did a dramatic turn,almost whipping Joni with her hair and sashayed away. Her minions trailing closely behind.
Kelly walked up Joni and said " She is not your favorite ball of sunshine, is she?."
"Heck no." She made a gagging sound.
"Do you guys realize that she was wearing a chanel bracelet design from 2007?." Arie asked, sounding horrified.
"" They both replied.
"How can someone be so distasteful about accessories. I mean that bracelet is so-"
"Yes Kelly. "

** * * *
They left the locker room and headed for class. Joni had biology, but forgot her note in her locker and went back to get it. Right besides her locker in the empty hallway, she found Andre with both hands in his pockets.
What could he want?, she thought but pretended not to see him. She took her note and was about to go when he stood in her way. Confused, she tried to move away but he stopped her.
"Hey." He managed to say but she just nodded in response.
"Mind if I ask you a favour?" He said.
"Go ahead." She said. Then he did something strange, he leaned in and almost whispering, he said "Could you be humane and civil enough to stop to stop prying into my business. "

She could not believe this. He just used her own words on her and nobody uses her own words on her. "If you were an important person to begin with," She held her heart " I would be bothered but you're just a nobody Andre, a nobody. " She dropped her voice to a whisper.
"Wow, the bitch speaks." He threw his hands in the air, earning a scowl from her." Well, I don't see you with a ton of fans either, miss am - gonna - rule- the-world?"
"I don't have time for this" she tried to shove him aside and leave but she was stopped yet again.
"You don't wanna mess with me, neighbour" He said between clenched teeth, his face inches away from hers. As she looked up at him, the space reduced "I'd have to give two flying shits to." She gave him a suitable answer to at least get him to back off but he doesn't. Something unexpected happened instead.

"What do we have here?, skipping class with your girlfriend, huh Mr Reed?"

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