Chap 3 - Detention.

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Joni could not believe it. The door of the detention hall closed behind her loudly, mocking her misfortune and she still didn't believe it.
She heard Andre sigh as he slouched in his chair. Why? She asked herself twice. He was good looking in a juvenile kinda way though.
" What's wrong with me?" She slapped herself on the head. The radioactive walls of this place must be messing with her brain.
" Keep your eyes to yourself" Andre caught her staring. "Creep" He added audibly.
" Did you just call me a creep?" He look up as she slammed a hand on his desk.
"Yeah, so?" He shrugged.
"After what you did to me?"
He gave her a puzzled look.
"You are the reason am here." She stated the obvious. "I've never been to detention before" She said almost crying. Why universe, why? She asked herself, pondering over the possible reason the universe has decided to punish her so.
"I know that" He said.
"Why did you come to my locker" She snapped angrily at him.
"Wow, then why you did you stick your nose in my business? "
"Stick my nose?, my sleep was interrupted and no one interrupts my sleep" she snarled at him.
"What?!" She snapped and immediately opened her mouth to apologize when she was cut off.
"What the hell girl, what's wrong with you?" Only one person could do that.
"Kelly, am so sorry " she spat out her not so sincere apologies. Truth was, she was on a roll. About to give Andre a piece of her mind but now the moment was ruined.
"What is going on here?" Kelly asked when she gained full entry, with a jerked eyebrow.
"Well you see, um..." Joni started.
"No I do not want the pink one" Arie came in on the phone and offered everyone a non verbal apology before she continued attacking the person at the other end. "What do you mean a celebrity just bought the last red, do you even know who I am?"
"Is she updating her wardrobe?" Joni whispered.
"Sadly...yes" Kelly sighed and stared back at Arie.
"A discount? Are you trying to insult me?" She listened then brought out her killer phrase "OK tell you what Sandra- I mean Silver, give me the first dress free and I'll buy the second one 70% off." She waited for a second then said impatiently "I can't wait forever Samantha. "
Then after 2 seconds Arie smiled and said " Nice doing business with you." Then cut the call.
"Hi Joni," she chirped "And hello Joni's juvenile but cute neighbour. " She pushed past Them and walked up Andre.
"Um...hi" He said shyly
"Ohh..he's shy" Arie smiled teasingly before saying "Well Joni likes shy guys,don't you Joni?"
"That's enough for now Arie" Kelly pulled her away from him."Sorry dude"
"Sure" Andre said cooly.
"OK guys,shouldn't you be on your way?" Joni asked.
"We should" Arie quipped.
"But we won't "Kelly added.
"Excuse me?" She blinked.
"What's going on Joni?" Kelly asked
"Yeah, is Andre part of it?" Arie said.
"Yeah - I mean no,I mean...urggh!.Tell them Andre".
"No." He said without looking up
"You see that?" Joni turned to Kelly
"Uh...I don't see". She replied confused.
"That" she pointed at Andre "is the reason am in this mess"
"Joni" Arie slapped her hand and moved towards Andre and put an arm round his shoulders "this isn't a mess,you're spending an hour-
"And 30 minutes" Kelly corrected.
"And 30 minutes with a really cute neighbour.
"That I hate" She interjected.
"Same here" He said.
Arie and Kelly threw glances at each other and shrugged "Nah"
"We'll be leaving now Joni dear." Kelly headed for the door.
"It was nice meeting your friend" Arie called on her way out.
Few seconds after they left, Miss Almond scurried in and let them out early but before she did that , she dropped a bomb that could trigger the apocalypse.
"What?" They chorused.
"You guys are partners for this project on genetics. Turn it in any class day on the last week of classes." She repeated more clearly incase they didn't hear her.
"Ok, good luck guys" she left.
Joni picked her bag and screamed into it. This can not be happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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