Chapitre 1a- He has no humanity

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"Now, bacteria may be classified into 3 general types according to their shapes". Miss Almond said as she started rolling out the slides.

"Arie". She turned to face the class  " What's this one called?"

"The Cocci." The girl with the fiery red hair answered then  Miss Almond nodded in affirmation.

"Manda". she called the girl seated directly behind Arie who was clearly absent minded. "Manda Rochester". she called her name again before matching over to her desk and dealing with the root of the problem - earpieces.

" Miss Almond". she appeared startled as she brushed out her blue highlights outta her face.

"What's the bacteria that looks like curly fries?" She asked with a stern look.

"Uhh..., the spirilla?". She sounded unsure. " Thank your stars". Miss Almond said as she tossed back the earpieces.

"Thank you stars." Manda said as she caught them.

" Joni," she sounded like needed a break " - name the last one please". Review sessions were suppose to be delightful, she thought.

" Will do", the girl with dark brown and a wierd mix caramel coloured hair stood up gracefully to answer the question "the bacilli, which are rod-shaped but we also have the vibrio. This group of comma-shaped bacteria are still considered a variation of the Bacilli."

" Exactly, that's why we still say that bacteria is divided into 3 general types. Ok," she clasped her hands together "any questions?".

"No." she got a unified reply

" We move on to the next section, shall we..." Her eyes darted around the class, everybody flipping to the next page. Everybody except - " Andre Reed?"

He looked at her with a sour expression on his face and muttered a non-chalant " Yeah".

" Why don't you have your textbook in front of you?" 

He put his hand into his backpack and slammed the book on his desk " I got it now." He said sounding pissed.

Miss Almond was stunned. " Do you wanna pass this class?, 'cause am not sure you want you."

"I go with your answer, it seems like the honest one." He said with a smirk on his face. Before Miss Almond could say any more, the bell went and students started filing out of the class.

" Detention for you Mr Reed." She stuck out a detention slip at him.

" What the fuck for?!" He blurted out. "Language." she warned him before answering his question " For bad behavior."

"Thanks a lot." He said sarcastically as he snatched the slip from her hand.

" Enjoy your detention." She said with narrowed eyes. After he left, Miss Almond went to her desk and started to massage her temples. " You should totally do something about him." she looked up a saw Joni giving her a concerned look.

" Like what?" she asked, expressing her concerns too.

" Give him a tutor, a supervisor, a partner or something." She suggested before leaving.


" And so Andre Reed respectfully  got himself  another detention slip." Joni told Kelly.

"And isn't it the fourth time now in two weeks?" Arie asked Joni before sipping her iced tea.

" Yeah, it's sort of routine thing." She said, feigning concern before taking a big bite outta her burger.

" what is his problem?" Arie asked concerned

" Dunno and don't care." Joni said flatly. "we should try to help him, you guys." Kelly suggested.

" You know what I should be helping out with?" Joni asked with a grin.

"What?." Kelly and Arie asked simultaneously.

" Myself, with this delicious burger." she said as she took another large bite of her burger.

" Urggh  Joni, you eat like a pig." Arie said turning to her ipad. "More like a mademoiselle who skipped breakfast." Kelly tapped her nails on the table as she watched her devour the burger like a hungry hyena then take a long drag of her soda.

" I have no idea what so ever." Joni lied before cramming her mouth with fries. Kelly knew she wasn't gonna get anywhere with her, when a french girl didn't wanna talk, she literally didn't wanna talk. She sighed as she uncovered the lid on her yoghurt as started stuffing her mouth with vanilla goodness

"Gosh this is good." she moaned. " it's always good." Joni deadpanned

"Don't get started with me 'cause i ain't quite done you." Kelly waved the plastic spoon in her face then continued eating her yoghurt. There was relative silence until....

"In the name of the wee man!." Arie exclaimed in scottish ~ oh my god! and Kelly almost swallowed her spoon and Joni spilled her soda in shock.

"Do you mind a wee bit?." Joni said in a mock scottish accent through clenched teeth, moaning over the loss of her soda before lashing out in french." Incroyable, tout simplement incroyable. Une canette de soda parfait gaspille'!!" ~ unbelievable, just unbelievable. A perfect can of soda wasted!! 

"I've found it." She said more to herself, clearly ignoring Joni as she continued  to lash out in french. 

"Found *cough* what?." Kelly managed.

Arie took in air before saying very quickly " The perfect dress to Kimberly Castello's  18th birthday which is on the last night of our field trip - yes seniors only - to Colorado springs." then gasped as she released her breath. " Wow, i talk too fast."

" Glad you noticed." Kelly said as she started gathering her things. Launch time was almost over.

" Wait, back up. Field trip?." Joni asked confused. She wasn't really a lover of the great outdoors.

" Yeah I know, sucks right?." Arie said almost whispering, sharing their common dislike for the great outdoors.  

As the bell went, they dispatched to their various classes. Someone bumped into Joni in the hallway

"Oh I'm so sorry." She said as she bent down to pick her books and he bent down to pick his. She looked up and saw it was Andre Reed. "You know, you could be humane enough to apologize." She said as he stood up. "And civil enough to help me." She added as she struggled to keep her books from being trampled over but he just walked away like he didn't even hear her. "What?." Her mout fell open in this belief.

"Besoin d'aide?." ~Need any help. Joni paused. Only one person conversed with her in french at school and actually spoke the language correctly like - 'cause - it's his native tongue. 

" Salut Luc," She gave him a small smile as he bent down and started picking up her books." Gentil de me aider. Contrairement  a certaines personnes."  ~ Nice of you to help me. unlike some people. She gave  him another signature 'french' smile as he handed her her books and asked "Quelqu'un l'a fait expr'es?." ~ Someone did this on purpose?

" Yes, he has no humanity am afraid." She said with a small sigh trying hard to hide the fact that she giddy with pleasure. Luc Cousteau was not  just french but definition of what in France would be called ' Beau'. Plus he was the best player on the basketball team and not only was he talking to her but helping her pick up her books. The planets must have aligned or something, that made this moment real.

While she was staring at the floor as Luc held her hand and offered to escort her to class  since they both had the same class - her cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink for sure - she saw a piece of paper on the floor.

' This must belong to that pathetic excuse for a human being' she said in her head as she slid it into one of her notebooks and headed for class, with Luc holding her hand of course.

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