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The bell rang and Luhan followed me like a lost puppy.

"What do you have next?" I asked while waving goodbye to the boys.

"I have um..Science." He walked by my side.

"Funny, I do too. Did you peek at my schedule?" I joked and he seemed to chuckle.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. Luhan looked over at me. He was eyeing me. They were eyeing me.

"What's wrong?" Luhan asked.

I shook my head, "Nothing." I gave him a panicky smile. "Nothing's the matter. Don't worry about it." I continued walking - head down.

A long arm wrapped around my waist and spun my around. He pulled me into his chest.

"Let go of me, Kai! I fucking told you not to grab me like that." I pushed myself off.

"Why do you always hang out with those losers anyways? You're too much of a bad girl to fit in there. Join us." Kai gave me a disgusting smirk. Tao, Chen and Kris stood behind him. Kris scanned my face. He was always the mature/good one of the group. No he's not that one tiny kid that tries too hard to fit in with the cool kids. He's literally scary. He'll tear your guts out in a minute if you piss him off. But deep, and I mean deep down in his heart - he was a sweetie.

"Just back off of her, Kai." Kris put his hand on Kai's shoulder. Kai's smirk was gone and was replaced with a small frown.

"Hyung, I was just messing with her. You know I mean no harm. " He laughed and rolled his eyes. Chen, on the other hand, was staring at Luhan who stood behind me.

"Who are you?" Tao seemed to say for Chen. I turned around and looked at Luhan.

"You don't have to answer them." My eyes soften as I saw how scared he was.

"Shut the fuck up, Hye Bin." Chen mocked me.

Turning around, I lashed out on him. "Excuse me?" I wanted to claw him. Hurt him. Slap him. Punch him. My fist were tightly clenched - so tight that my knuckles turned white. "Fucking Kai, teach your little followers to behave." I spat at him and grabbed Luhan's hand. I pulled him away to our next class.

"Sorry you had to see that." Blood rushed to my cheeks as I let go of his hand. We stood outside of the classroom. I peered in and everyone was already learning away.

"Anni, it's okay. I was a bit scared though. Who were they? And why'd he grab you like that?" His deer eyes were filled with worry.

I giggled and ruffled his hair. "They're the bad kids at our school. Lame right? They aren't going to beat you up so don't worry. Kai, the leader of the group, is just a bit touchy. He always tries to get me to hang out with them. I don't though - I know what's good for me."

"Ah, it all makes sense now. Are you okay though?" He grabbed my hand and inspected it.

I pulled it away and let out a girly giggle. "I'm fine. I think I should be asking you that question."

A shy smile appeared on his face. "Sorry for asking but, why don't you like it when people address you by your Korean name?" His head hung low as if he was afraid I was going to yell at him crazy.

I picked up his chin, "I like it when people call me Charlene. Hye Bin sounds strange to me. I had gotten so use to everyone back in America calling me Charlene that Hye Bin just doesn't sound right." I explained.

"Ah but I think Hye Bin sounds cute." I blushed once more while placing a strand of my brown hair behind my ear.

I sighed, "Okay fine. You and I mean only you get to call me Hye Bin whenever you like. I don't even let Chanyeol call me that so you better feel goddamn special." I laughed and he gave me a small bow.

"I feel honored." He joked.

"Do you still wanna go to class?" I rubbed my arms to conduct a bit of heat. Luhan leaned forward to look inside. Half of his body was pressed against mine. He was hot - no, burning. It felt nice especially since my body was surrounded by cold air.

He leaned back and the warmth quickly disappeared. I had to restrain myself from completely snuggling into his arms. I shivered and felt goosebumps rise as I felt it the air get colder by the second. The thin uniform blazer didn't help during the winter times. My legs were practically frozen into icicles while being exposed under the matching uniform skirt.

"They've already started though." He pouted.

A grin appeared on my face. "Do you mind if we skipped class? Only this one if you want. We'll go to the next class next period. " I saw a puff of white smoke come pass my lips as I spoke. It went away quickly after I finished talking.

He nodded. "Where do we go now?"

I shrugged, Some place warm maybe?. I felt like my fingers were going to fall off. Luhan watched my body shake and he saw that something was up. He reluctantly took off his uniform blazer and wrapped it around my tiny body. The blazer melted me. It was warm and cozy. My cheeks turned pink from the hot and cold mix and also from the kind gesture he did.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, not really wanting to but carefully removed the blazer from my body. As I tried to put it back onto him, he grabbed my wrist.

"I think you'll need it more. I've been watching you shiver for the last three minutes."

I couldn't help but laugh - not too loud though. "I know where we could go." I grabbed his hand again and pulled him to the stairs on my left.


Luhan and I sat in front of each other. My head rested on my hands as I studied his features. He did the same. The quietness and the stillness of the library loomed around us - the buzz of the heater was the only noise. The librarian kindly let us stay but just for this one time.

"You're really something else, aren't you?" He whispered while still admiring me.

I shrugged, "How?"

He cocked his head to the side. "You're different from most girls I meet. Your features are different too. You have a bigger smile, your nose is taller, your hair is a lighter color, your lips are pinker and your skin is the fairest I've ever seen."

I huffed, "Thanks for pointing out my flaws."

"I was complementing you."

I blushed.

"You wanna hear a secret?" He asked me. I leaned forward and his lips were at my ear.

"I like girls who have taller noses, lighter hair, pinker lips, fair skin, and a big smile. I like girls who are different and you? You're the perfect match."

Pulse. (Luhan Fanfic.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now