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I ran toward Xiumin, who sat at the regular picnic table. Homecoming was right around the corner and Soo Jin still hasn't told him about her flu. 

"Annyeong... my friends... my buds... " I smiled awkwardly at the group. 

"Why are you suddenly greeting us? You never greet us first." Chanyeol joked and I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Xiumin, I um.. gotta speak to you." Dragging him up by the sleeve, we walked toward the lockers.

"What's on your mind?" He said so casually, it bothered me.

Crossing my arms, I smacked his arm. "Yah! Be serious. Soo Jin is sick with a terrible flu. She can't go to homecoming with you." 

His shoulders dropped, "I knew it was too good to be true." 

"Xiumin.. it's not that she doesn't want to go with you, it's that she doesn't heal as quickly as a normal person does." 

"So, she isn't flaking out, she's just... sick?" He asked with concern appearing in his eyes.

I nodded, "She did ask something of me though." Xiumin waited for me to continue. "She asked me to go to homecoming with you." 

"Whoa, no offence, Char. I don't see you more than just a friend." Xiumin tried to deny me.

"It's perfectly fine, Xiumin. I convinced her to let me slide on the favor because I know we don't click like that." I smiled shyly.

Xiumin chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Are you going to homecoming though?" 

"Surprise! I am." I said in the most cheery voice possible.

Xiumin lifted his eyebrow, "With Baekhyun again?"

"No and can we stop bringing that up?" I sighed, "I'm going with Luhan and possibly Kai."

"Possibly Kai? Not only are you going with two guys but you're going with Kai?" 

"I'm only going with Kai if Luhan can't make it. You know how he's always disappearing. Plus, you don't know Kai like I do." I spat. Xiumin and I weren't exactly the closest friends.

"Ah.. I see."

"You still going even without Soo Jin?" I uncrossed my arms.

"Probably. I'll just go with you guys. Chan, Kyungsoo and Baek are debating whether or not they should ask the Preps." Xiumin looked over to the three who were hunched over, forming a circle.

I perked up, "The Preps?! Why in the world would they ask the preps?" I was getting defensive over my boys.

"Because they assumed you were already taken." 


Lunch was noisy and a whole mess. Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were totally out of it. 

"Yah! Babos, did you forget how to breath or something?" I sat in front of the three of them, next to a lonely Xiumin. Soo Jin and Luhan were absent so there were two less people. 

"Guys, I can't do this." Kyungsoo dropped his spoon into his soup. His fingers dragged down his face in frustration.

Baekhyun patted him on the back, "Yes you can. You aren't doing this alone. Besides, if you get in any sticky mess, we have Char." 

"I am not cleaning after you." I twisted my water bottle cap.

"Okay, fine. You have us." Baekhyun glared at us.

"Do it now to get it over with." Xiumin said bluntly.

"Are you out of your mind!? Absolutely not!" Chanyeol shouted.

"Chanyeol! Keep your voice down." I kicked him under the table. Some students stared at us weirdly.

Both of them dumped their lunches into the trash that was passing by our table. "Hyung is right. We need to do it now or we are going to homecoming alone." Baekhyun tried to pep up the boys.

"Okay, you go first. We'll follow right after." Kyungsoo inhaled sharply. 

"Yeah, what Kyungsoo said." Chanyeol agreed. Baekhyun was bewildered but stood up anyways. He looked like a scared puppy. I felt bad for him and walked over to him. Standing in front of him, my hands grazed on his tie.

"What are you doing, Char?" Baekhyun tensed up.

"Helping you with your tie. Wouldn't want to look like a total train wreck in front of them, now do you?" I smirked and picked out loose stands of his bangs out of his small face. His eyes watched me intently and he quickly grabbed both of my arms by my forearm. "What's wrong?" My face soften and Baekhyun seemed uncomfortable.

"You shouldn't do that." He gulped. Staring into his dark brown eyes, I realized this is the second time we've ever been this close to each other. The first time was when we slow danced at homecoming.

"Why...?" I whispered and my eyebrows were knitted in confusion.

"Be-Because it'll just break my heart even further...." 


"Luhan!" I called for him. He slowly opened his front door. He looked ....... better. He looked alive again. "L-Luhan." I whispered.

He ran down the steps and hugged me tightly. Caressing my head and whispering how much he missed me. 

"It was hell without you. I was stuck in my house forever. After you visited me, I did my best to heal faster." Luhan pulled away and he stared back at me with glistening deer eyes.

"Luhan... I-I'm so happy you're ... well.. okay." A genuine smile stretched across my face.

"I need to tell you something really important.. or well show you.." Luhan constantly turned his head, checking if anyone is around.

"What? What is it?" 

"It's easier if you know. I won't have to hide it. We need to go to the clearing." Slipping his hand into mine, we ran into the trees.

In seconds, we were baking in the sun. The fresh green grass was just as I remembered it. "Luhan.. what do you need to show me?"

"Stand back." He growled. Backing slowly against the nearest tree, I watched the scene unfold before my eyes.

He was changing. His eyes were no longer the soft brown I fell for. They were rimmed with a neon yellow and black center. Hair began to form all over his body. His grew taller and bigger.

In a flash, his clothes tore and he was no longer the sweet and innocent transfer boy.  What stood before me, no one would believe. I got chills over my body, was I afraid? I was certainly shocked. My heart raced as it stared me down.

He had turned into a wolf. 

Endless thoughts ran through my tiny mind. I wrapped my arms around the tree trunk behind me.

"Please.. please tell me this is a joke." I bit my lip and stared at the creature. Gazing at it closely, I unwrapped my arms and let my guard down. I crouched down in front of it. 

It was the same wolf I saw in the woods a couple weeks before, the day I found Luhan stumbling into the woods... the day he told me he was in love with me. 


A/N: wowowoowowowowow im soooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a long time pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeee forgive me guys. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE NEW READERS<3 please excuse all the spelling errors this may have lol. 

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