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A whole two weeks went by and Luhan had slowly become sick. Kai and his crew disappeared completely. I worry about the both of them. Luhan could barely pick up his pencil. He wouldn't listen to me when I tell him to stay home. He wants to come to school. He wanted to see...... me. He wanted to make up all the days that he wasn't here. The days where he wasn't here to care for me. 


Luhan went into a coughing fit as he walked me to history. Rubbing his back, I tried my best to calm him down.

"Hey Hey, are you alright?" I cooed as his face turned red. "Do you need water?" 

"You asked me that five times today." He fell into my arms. I propped him against the lockers. A hoarse chuckle escaped his lips.

"Luhan, listen to me. You need to see a doctor, someone. Tell your dad, anything because seeing you like this breaks my heart. What happened? Did you get food poisoning? Are you hurt? Are you not getting enough sleep?" I looked into his deer eyes.

"I'm fine, it's hard to explain. You need to get to class." He pushed me off and tried to stumble down the hall.

"Meet me after school!" I yelled down the hall. I watched him slowly raise his arm up to give me a thumbs-up. Turning around, Xiumin stood under the doorway to History.

"You okay, Char?" Xiumin knew about my obsessive worrying about Luhan. I only nodded and went inside. The whole back row was taken. Sighing, I took a seat in the front. Xiumin sat next to me. 

"Hey Charlene!" Soo Jin smiled when walking in. I returned the smile. She sat two seats to the left. Waiting for the teacher to arrive, I heard something I shouldn't have heard.

"Ugh, why do I have to sit in front of these bitches...?" Soo Jin whispered a little too loudly before sliding into her seat.

"What did you say?" One of the preps that sat behind her sassed. 

"Nothing." Soo Jin rolled her eyes.

"Nothing." The prep mocked her.

The teacher suddenly walked in. "Sorry I was late class." But the preps muted her. I couldn't help but listen in.

"Who does she think she is? We welcomed her and now that she gets new friends, she disses us?" A prep whispered.

"She's worthless anyways, I mean have you seen how far apart her eyes are? How about how annoying she was to us?" The leader kicked Soo Jin's chair. Should I do something? 

I felt as if I was back in America, in the eighth grade. A similar incident had happened.

We all laughed as Jenna rubbed her hands with hand sanitizer after a surprise hug from Claire. Jenna never liked hugs. Settling back into our seats from lunch, I watched a scene unfold. 

"Oh Jenna, what are you even going to get infected by?" Claire chuckled.

"Your stupidity." Chloe joked.



"Nothing" Claire was quick to mimic her. I didn't need to look back, I knew she rolled her eyes right after. Chloe sat in her assigned seat next to me. Claire behind us. Class resumed and our teacher passed out an article for us to read. 

"Read sections one, two and three." She commanded. But I couldn't focus, my mind traveled off. A voice behind me spoke dagger words.

"She can't fucking say it to my face, she has to go off and tell her friends. Don't be talking shit behind my back." It was Claire. She was ranting to her friend, Rachell. She tried to whisper but she spoke a little too loudly. My heart burned, I knew who she was talking about.

Pulse. (Luhan Fanfic.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now