Justin and Ariana have always been best friends but little do they know the both have strong feelings towards each other will they tell one another before its to late?
Arianas p.o.v We pulled up at the school I hear justin sigh loudly "Welcome to hell" he says with a little laugh Oh shut up I say slapping his leg lightly getting out of the car "Aye bro"I hear Justin's friend Jason say ARIIIII KENDALLLL I say while hugging her "I see your still getting a ride with justin bet you wish it was him you were riding" she says with a smirk "Kendall" I say slapping her arm "what its true"she says putting her arms up "Ari bear you ready" Justin says putting his arm around me "Yep" I say popping the "p" "Let's a go" he says sounding like Maria We walk to our lockers which are beside each other and get our books for first and second period we have double English We walk into class greeted by Ms McCormack Ms McCormack is the on,h teacher that really gets justin I guess by that I mean she knows he has behaviour issues all the other teachers well except Mr whelan think he's just looking for attention but she it like he could do something in class she tells him to stay behind and just talk to him because if he does something really bad it means there's something going on so she just makes sure he's okay I think it's sweet if you ask me Okay class take your seats good morning Ms Grande Moring Mr Bieber "Good Moring Ms" we say in sync me and justin sit across from each other "So class for the first half of the class we will be working on these work sheets with the person to your left" great I get to work with Conor and Justin's with Taylor fun just dandy "and for the second half we will be working on our presentations remember you can do it on anything you can even get up and do a little dance if that's what your into or read a poem a short stories sing a song write a song what ever just once u do something okay let's get started then" she say me and justin just sat making funny faces at each other
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God do I like that boy I mean he is one of my best friends but I'll admit Kendall was right not about me wanting to ride him well I mean maybe but I do like him a lot I just don't think he feels the same way I mean he sorta has a thing for Taylor and I don't blame him I mean she's the definition of perfection if you ask me
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And even if he did have feelings for me too if something happened between us I loose my best friend plus I have a boyfriend who I love but I feel like things just aren't what they used to be "Okay class so let me just call out partners" Ms McCormack says snapping me out of thoughts "please let me be with justin please please" I whisper to myself I see Sean staring at and he sends me a wink Jason with Kendall Lola with ciaran Claire with Beth Taylor with troy Sophie with Sean And Justin with Ariana "Yes" I quietly say to myself justin walks over and sits next to me "hey moonlight" he says "moonlight?" I question "yeah moonlight it's my new nickname for you because you light up my life the same way the on lights up the night sky"he says "awhhhh cute" I say pinching his cheeks "so anyway what should we do for the presentation" he asks "A Song" I say a little to excited "em yeah sure" "let's get started then" I say grabbing my notebook *skips the rest of school* Justin's P.O.V I walk out of last period which was wood work I'm in the middle of finishing off Ari's birthday present I run to her locker "your house or mine" I ask "my ho-" she gets cut off by Sean pushing her up against the locker he started kissing her she pushes him off "c'mon baby we're going my place"he says taking her hand "I already have plans"she says taking her hand back "with who?" He asks "Justin" she says as if it was obvious "yeah you can see pretty boy later your always with him" he says sounding annoyed "Why can't you just fuck off and stay away from my girl" he says getting in my face This bitch "like go and get a girlfriend or should I say boyfriend faggot bet your just like your brothers" he says getting closer to me "Sean stop" Ariana says "No pretty boy here is gonna learn a lesson what ya gonna do pretty boy huh what ha gonna do" I started tensing up and the bam he hit me I turned my head back to face him "Oh your gonna be sorry" I say before hitting him he fell to the ground I took that as an opportunity to get on top of him and pin him down by putting my knees on his arms I continued punching him until I hear Ari crying I jump off him and walk over to her "Ari I'm so so s-"she cuts me off "Justin stop it's okay I just I just need to take Sean home"she says walking over to him "em yeah I get it" I say "I'll call you later" she says walking away Ugh why is she with him he doesn't deserve her she's amazing beautiful funny and then there's him he's a dick "hey babe you okay" Taylor asks snapping me out of my thoughts "Oh hey yeah I'm fine" "Where's Ari gone" she asks looking around "oh she went with Sean" I say sadness in my voice "oh babe come here"she says pulling me into a hug "wanna hang out with me" she asks "yeah sure" "okay what you wanna do"she asks locking arms with me "we could go shopping" "yeah sure" she said we went out and got I'm my car and we drove to the mall "Hello welcome to the parlor what can I get you today" " em can I get two double chocolate cones please" coming right up" "here you go sir that will be 5.75" I had Taylor her ice cream and take ten dollars out of my pocket "Justin I can pay for my own"she say "no my treat" I say back she smiles I had the money to the cashier "keep the change" "Thank you very much sir "she says "no problem"I say before walking away "so where to first" I ask "em how about forever 21" "sure thang chicken wang" I say "okay let's go" she says dragging me by the arm I'm gonna regret this Weve been here for an hour looking for clothes for her birthday party "Okay what about this one" she asks
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She walks out "wow" was all I could say "you like" I stood there with my mouth open until the sales person can over and closed it "close your mouth before birds start nesting in it sweetie" she says Taylor starts giggling to herself "so this one" she asks "yeah" I say nodding my head "okay I'm gonna get back into my clothes" she walks out a few minutes later "ready" "yep" we walk over to the cash register "that will be $60.00 ma'am I take my wallet out"my treat "I say "no justin seriously" "this is my present to you okay" I say "justin no" "Taylor your not gonna win here this is your present okay" "Okay okay" she's says putting her hands up we went back to her place after going to a few more shops and getting food and just having a good day "Thanks for today justin I had a great time " she says smiling widely "Yeah me to" I say "so your coming to my party tomorrow right" "i wouldn't miss it for the world" I say "great" she says before kissing my cheek "bye justin" "bye Taylor" I say smiling like a fool I walk to my car and drive home and see Ariana's car parked outside