Chapter 4

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Ariana's P.O.V
I actually can't wait I'm meeting justin in about ten minutes and I'm really nervous I don't know why tho it could be because me and Sean broke up and had a big fight because I caught him cheating I know it's not the first time he done it either he's been doing for about 4 months out of the 5 we've been together he says it because I won't have sex with  him so he needed to get pleasure from another girl I was gonna leave him but I didn't wanna be alone but he broke up with me about 5 minutes before I left and Justin's with Taylor so he's not gonna have as much time for me anymore life's just rough and to make things even better it starts to lash rain great my life's just amazing then I hear a familiar voice call my name "Ariana what are doing out here in the rain" he says giving me his jacket "you should be inside" "I know I-" I got cut off "Ariana" he says "yeah" I say "it's you" he says looking me dead in the eyes "what is?" I ask "when all the good things and bad things happen in my life it's you I want by my side through everything and I'm so sorry it took me this long to realise it I love you" he says I didn't realise I was crying until he wiped my tears away " I I love you to justin" I say with that his lips crashed to mine with so much passion our lips moving perfectly in sync a few minutes pass I pull away "wait what about Taylor" I ask breathless "what about her" he asks " aren't you two dating" "no we're just friends she's the one who made me realise that your the one I wanna be with" he says pulling me into a hug "now let's go see that movie" he says into my head we walked into the movies hand in hand I'm falling for this boy and hard
*next day*
Justin's P.O.V
I woke up with Ariana in my arms I start to smile like a fool I really like Ari and I wanna show her that. Last night she told me all about the whole Sean thing and in all honesty I wanna kill him stone dead but I won't go near him because I don't wanna risk a chance of loosing Ari but I gotta find a way of showing her how much I care about her. Ariana starts moving around and opening her beautiful brown eyes "hey" she says stretching "morning baby girl" I say before kissing her cheek "what time is it" she asks "6:30" I say checking my phone. She got up out of the bed and turned back to face me "I'm gonna go shower" she says walking into the bathroom "CAN YOU GET SOME CLOTHES READY FOR ME" she shouts from the bathroom. I get off my bed and walk over to my drawers and grab some clothes for Ari while she's in the shower I'm gonna go down to the kitchen and make the two of us breakfast since everyone else is still asleep.
*15 minutes later*
"What smells so good" Ari asks sniffing the air "I made us some breakfast" I say pouring orange juice in the two glasses. "awh aren't you cute" she says taking a seat "so what we doing after school today" I ask cutting my pancake "we need to work on our presentation" she says before taking sup of her orange juice " okay how about this we get some stuff from the shop and we have a picnic in the park while we work on our presentation" I say wrapping my arms around her from behind. "Sounds perfect" she says putting her head back and kissing me "Awhhhh" I hear and I look over and see my mom standing there "Mommmmm" I say putting my head back she comes over and gives us both a hug "I knew you to would end up together"she says squeezing both of us Ariana starts to giggle. Me and Ari finished our breakfast we were just sitting in the living room watching TV "oh my god is Ariana at our house in the morning for once" "what is life" Marley says "yes yes I am"she says "how come" he asks sitting on the other couch "I stayed over last night" she says fixing her hoodie "oh very nice oh em can I talk to u for a minute in private" he asks standing up "sure" she nods Marley had already left the room she turned around and gave me a kiss "back in a minute" she says before leaving the room

Oh what's does Marley wanna talk about??

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