Chapter 9

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Justin's P.O.V
The party started about an hour and a half ago everything is okay so far I guess I mean Marcus has said few remarks about Ariana but she said she isn't gonna let him get to her now so I guess everything's okay.
"Bro what's up with Ari?" I turn to look at max "what you mean she's dancing with kendall"
"No she is sitting on the stairs no wait now she's walking up the stairs" I turn to look and see her walking I push passed everyone and run up to her I catch her just before she walks into her room. She turns and looks at me tears in her eyes "baby what's wrong"
Tears start to stream down her face she doesn't say anything "was it Marcus" she nods her head.
I let go of her arm and start to walk towards the stairs just as I was about to walk down she grabs me "what a-are you d-doing" she asks between sobs "He's not getting away with treating you like a piece of shit" I pull my arm away and walk down the Stairs.
"Who the fuck do u think you are speaking to my girlfriend like she's a piece of shit" I grab his collar "what you mean that slut" he points at Ari who's standing on top of the stairs
Without thinking I punch him he stumbled then falls to the ground I take this as an opportunity to get on top of him I punch him continueasly until someone pulls me off.
"Get the fuck out now" I say through my teeth I've never seen him run so fast "EVERYBODY OUT PARTY'S OVER"
I look up at Ari and see she's still crying "you okay justin" I look at Taylor "shouldn't you be with your boyfriend"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay first" I let out a chuckle
"I'm fine but see Marcus he better pray Ms Grande doesn't come home for more than a month cause If she does his ass Is dead he ain't getting away with speaking to my girl like that" I spit before walking up to Ari.
"Your hands all bruised and swollen"
I look at it and shrug "I don't care it was worth it" I take her hand in mine and walk her to the bed "wanna watch a movie or talk?" She walks over to my bag and takes one of my T-shirt she changes and climbs into bed "you gonna answer my question or"
She turns her head to look at me "I dunno".
I get into bed beside her and wrap my arms around her. She pecks my lips "I love you so so much"
"And in love you so so much"
We kiss again which turns into a heated make-up session which leads to something else if ye know what I mean😉
* Next Morning*
I wake up to Ari sitting on my legs "you okay there babe?" She turns and looks at me "No you're lazy it's 1 in the afternoon" I sit up and wrap my arms around her waist I place my head on her shoulder "I'm vewy sowwy" I place a kiss on her cheek "I love you justin"
"I love you to"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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