Chapter 5

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Marley's P.O.V
I walked out the hall and waited for Ariana she walks out "what's up?" She asks leaning against the wall "so em I heard you and Sean broke up yesterday and em I was wondering if you wanna go out tonight" I say scratching the back of my neck "sorry I'm kinda seeing someone else" she says "Already"I ask shocked "em yeah" she says looking at the ground "don't you think it's a bit quick" I ask "no because I've always had feelings for him I just never thought he felt the same way and as well there's no point in me crying over Sean when he fucking cheated on me" she says trying to stay calm "but still it's a bit quick" I say folding my arms "you literally just asked me out" she says anger in her voice "okay yeah that's true but u and Sean had only broken up last night and now you've got a boyfriend who's probably a little fuckboy who's gonna break your heart" I say with a smirk on my lips "ugh you know what fuck off" she says Turing to walk away "wait who is it" I ask she stops from opening the door and turns and looks me in the eyes "justin" she says before walking into the living room
*Justins P.O.V*
Ari walks in and looks like she wants to cry but also hit something or someone but I'll wait to ask her until we're in the car "you ready to go babe" she asks picking up her bag "em yeah" I say standing up we walked out to the after saying bye to my mom and stuff  "babe what's wrong" I ask taking her hand in mine and rubbing her knuckles "Marley asked me out and I said I was already with someone the he was like already I said yeah then he said that the guy I was dating is probably a fuckboy who's gonna play with my heart and feelings and break my heart" she says putting her head down as she said the last part "and what did you say back to that" I ask "I told him to fuck off then he asked who it is and I said you his facial expression turned confused then I walked back in to you" she says "babe I would never break your heart" I say kissing her hand
*skips car ride*
We walked into school hand in hand Kendall and Jason ran up to us and by that I mean Kendall ran dragging Jason with her "o my god are you to together" Kendall asks "yeah" we say in sync "cute" Kendall says to Ari "Nice one bro"Jason says to me giving me a bro hug "okay we better get to English" Kendall says we walked into the class greeted by Ms McCormack "okay since your presentations are tomorrow you can just talk" she says sitting in her seat I walk over to Ari "hey babe" she says "hey beautiful" I say taking a seat "stawph like oh my gawd "she says hiding  her face in her hands Sean is staring at us giving me the death stare but I couldn't care less "oh we should go see the conjuring 2 after school tomorrow" she says "you don't like horrors" I say looking at her weird "yeah but you'll be there to protect me" she says smiling "always baby girl" I say smiling back at her "oh what you doing on Wednesday" she asks "going to the lakers game with Taylor's dad" I say "why with her dad" she asks "he asked me when I was there" I say tapping my pen on the table "oh very nice"
*skips rest of school*
We were currently sitting in the park finishing our song "okay I think we're done" I say looking at the page "one more thing" she says with a smirk "what" I ask "sing it to me" she says leaning back on her elbows "okay" I start to play the tune on my guitar
*1 hour later*
We were back at my place cuddling in my bed Ari had just fallen asleep "goodnight baby girl I love you" I whisper in her ear before falling asleep

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