Justin and Ariana have always been best friends but little do they know the both have strong feelings towards each other will they tell one another before its to late?
Ariana's P.O.V It's been two weeks since justin left which also means it's the first day of school but that's whatever I get to see justin I wonder if he'll like my new style. I'm waiting for Kendall in her living room she walks down the stairs "ugh are you ready yet" I ask looking over at her direction "yeah" she says grabbing her bag "finally" I say grabbing my bag. We walk out and get in her car "so you excited to see justin" she asks starting the car "yeah but what if he doesn't like me anymore" I say playing with my fingers "of course he will why wouldn't he" she asks pulling out of her drive way "he might of met someone on holiday" I say putting my head down "Ari he's crazy about you your the girl he wants you know this he would never do anything to hurt you" she says looking at me and smiling for a second. The rest of the car ride was silent as we pulled up to the school my heart started racing. "C'mon where's the new confident Ari gone" she says Turing to face me "yeah your right" I say getting out of the car. As I walk through the hall to Justin's locker I can feel everyone staring at me but I just ignore them I reach Justin's locker. "Hey sexy" I whisper in his ear causing him to turn around "damn my baby is sexy" he says spinning me around " I missed you" I say hugging him "I missed you to baby" he says into my head. "Awh aren't you two cute" Marley says sarcastically him and Justin haven't been on the best terms since Marley found out I was dating justin and I turned him down but they'll work things out eventually. "Yeah we are actually" I say without thinking "just fucking adorable" I say without thinking again. Oh my god brain why you just making me say shit. He just rolls his eyes and walks away. "Someone feeling sassy today" "and don't you forget it babe" I say flipping my hair over my shoulder "flawless baby" he says laughing "I know" I say laughing also "Ms grande you are violating school dress code you better cover your self up" Mrs Campbell says I just looked at her I had nothing else to wear justin takes off his jumper and hands it to me I put it on and luckily it goes down past my finger tips "that's more like it don't let it happen again Ms grande thank you Mr Bieber" she says before walking away. "Thank you baby" I say pecking his cheek "no probs let's get to class" he says taking my hand in his *skips rest of school* So baby what you wanna do today" he asks as we were sitting on the hood of his car "oh let's go on a date tonight" he says "okay where" I ask "you'll see" he says with a smirk on his lips "okay can you drop me home so I can get changed" I say sliding of the car "sure thang baby girl" he says helping me into the car. We pulled up at my house justin got out and ran around to my side and opened my door for me he's such a gentleman. "M'lady he say gesturing his hand out which I take. We walk up to my door "so I'll see you in a hour" he says "okay bye I love you" he says "I love you to" we both lean in and share a passionate kiss "bye sexy" I wink at him as he walks to his car. I walk into the house and go straight to my room to get ready I have a quick shower. I'm gonna wear a red dress I'm gonna give justin a night he won't forget. *1 hour later* I was just finishing my make up when the door bell rang I go down stairs as quick as I can in heels. I open the door and see Justin in a red suit damn he looks good
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I bite my lip "wow babe you look amazing" he says looking me up and down "thanks you dont look half bad yourself" I say winking at him " someday being very confident lately" just as we're about to leave my mom calls me "yeah mom" I say stepping back in the house "oh good Justin's here so I've to go away on a business trip I don't know long I'll be gone for so I was wondering if justin would stay with you" she asks looking at both of us. We never told my mom we were dating cause then he wouldn't be aloud stay over anymore. " sure I'll stay with Ari while your gone" he says to my mom "okay in leaving in an hour so where are you to going dressed all nice" she asks "just to a party " I say justin just nodes his head "okay fun you two and I'll see you when I'm home" she says giving us both a hug "bye we both say walking to Justin's car " so I guess I'll be staying with you for a while m'lady" he says starting the car "yes you are papì" I say winking at him "I'm liking the new you" he says putting his hand on my thigh "I wanted try something different for senior year" "yeah I get ya" he says parking the car "wow fancy" I say looking at building "only the best for the best" he says helping me out of the car "is it okay if on the way back we stop off at mine so I can get some stuff" he asks "course babe" we walk into the restaurant "wow" I say looking around
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"Reservations for Bieber" just says "follow me Mr Bieber" he says as we follow him to our table. A few seines later a waiter comes over "hello I will be your waiter for this evening what can I get you to drink beautiful" he asks biting his lip looking at me "em I'll have a water please" I say looking over to just who's giving him the death stare "and you" he asks justin "the beautiful girls BOYFRIEND would like a coke please" he says raising his voice saying boyfriend "em yes sir right away" the waiter says before scurrying off *skips to Justin's house* "MOMMMMM" justin shouts "I'm in the kitchen sweetheart". I love how well justin and his mom get along they've always been really close the others were really close to there dad well they still are but his dad never really botheres with justin remember how on a Saturday night when Justin's dad would take the others out me Justin and his mom would sit up and we'd Order a pizza or Chinese and watch a movie I guess sometimes we still do that but it's rare. We walk into the kitchen "oh hi Ari" pattie says smiling at me "Hi pattie" I say returning a smile "mom I'm gonna stay in Ari's until her mom gets back from a business trip is that okay"justin asks "Em yeah that's fine just make to call or text me so I know your okay" she says pouring her tea "okay back in a sec" he says before kissing my cheek and running up stairs *justins P.O.V* I walk up to my room and grab a bag and start shoving clothes in it "where you going" Sam asks plopping on my bed "I'm staying in Ari's for a while" I say looking for some more clothes "oh how come" she asks "her moms gone away on a business trip" I say while zipping up my bag "oh we'll have fun and be safe If ya get what I mean" she says winking and walking out. I shake my head and laugh as I make my way down stairs "you ready babe" Ari asks me "yeah let's go" I say "bye Ari my mom says giving her a hug "bye pattie" "bye mom" "bye sweetie she says kissing my cheek "mom I groan your embarrassing me stop" I say low enough so on,y she can hear "oh shut up and go your girlfriends house" she says slapping my chest. We walk out and get in the car I start the car up "babe" "yeah" I say looking at her "can we stop of at the store" she asks "yeah course" I say while concentrating on the road. A few minutes past and I pulled in to the car park "do you want me to come with you" I ask "nah I'll be fine back in a minute"she says while getting out of the car *Arianas P.O.V* I walk into the store and grab some snacks and drinks I grab a little something extra I pay for my stuff and went back out to justin "ready" he asks I just nod my head. We get back to my house and we are just laying in my bed watching breaking dawn "Justin" I say "yeah" he says back turning his head to look at me "I love you " I say "I love you to" he says kissing my forehead "I wanna show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me" I say before crashing my lips to his we made out for a few minutes until I pull away "why'd you stop?" He asks I reach down beside my bed and grab a condom "Are you sure" he asks "yes I'm sure" i say "okay" he says before crashing his lips to mine again