Justin and Ariana have always been best friends but little do they know the both have strong feelings towards each other will they tell one another before its to late?
Justin's P.o.v I woke up at 11.00am I decide to go for a shower because I was to tired for one last night. I walked out of the shower and hear my phone beep it was a message from Taylor Taylor normal justin bold Hey x Heyo x Whatcha doing x Just out of the shower wbu x Just watching TV bored x Wanna hang out x Yeah come mine and we can chill or something x When you say chill do you mean Netflix and chill or just chill?x Whatever your into baby x Cuddles?X Course X Just as I'm about leave my phone rings me being the bad ass I am I answer it without checking the caller ID A-hey J-hey ari A-wanna hang out J-I'm actually on my way to Taylor's A-oh okay maybe we can see a movie tonight J-yeah sounds like a plan A-okay bye I knock on her door her dad answered "hey justin" he says "hi sir is Taylor home"I ask "She just ran to the shop with her mom she should be back in a few would you like to come in and wait" he asks "yes please" I say while walking in "oh your watching the game" I say "yeah you wanna watch" he asks "yeah but just until Taylor comes home" I say sitting on the couch "okay" he says handing me a drink "thanks sir" "call me Jamie" "okay si- I mean Jamie" Taylor came home about 15 minutes later to hear me and her dad cheering very loud "oh em hey" I say "Hey" she says giggling god that giggle is sexy I think to myself "so what you two doing" her mom asks "just watching the end of the game" her dad says "oh justin your into basketball" her mom asks me "Justin's the captain of the schools basketball team" Taylor says "oh justin have you got tickets to the game on Wednesday" he asks me "nope" I say "I've two tickets if you wanna come" he asks "yeah I'd love to" I answer helping Taylor put the groceries away "we're going upstairs"Taylor says grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs "so what you wanna do"she asks taking her sweatshirt off "em I don't mind" I say starring at her "well we could watch a movie or you could just continue to watch me" she says with a smirking "oh I could watch you all day" "oh yeah" she's says climbing on her bed "Yep" I say popping the "p" she turns oh the TV and put on insidious 3 and cuddles into me and we just watched the movie Marcus's P.O.V I can't believe him like who does he think he is calling Taylor baby girl "FUCK" I shout and Max comes in "what's wrong with you" he asks "Justin" I say with anger in my voice "what he do he's not even here" he says "yeah he's at Taylor's" " and that's a problem how? "Because I like Taylor" I say "really since when" he asks "about a year now" "oh man I'm sorry but I thought justin was the only one who liked her" he says "well you thought wrong" I say back "no need to get cheeky and how do you know he's In Taylor's anyway" he asks "I may or may not have checked his messages when he was in the shower" "Dude what the fuck you don't do that" he says "he called her baby girl and look at this picture she put up on snapchat of the two of them
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"Bro I mean if she liked you she wouldn't be with justin right now" he says putting a hand on my shoulder "you never know what the future holds"I say "true plus it's obvious Justin and Ariana are gonna end up together" he says "that's true" I say "watch when Sean and Ariana break up Justin's gonna be all over her and who knows justin and Taylor might not really like each other" he says "true" I say Taylor's P.O.V As me and justi on are cuddled up in my bed watching a movie the sound of rain hitting the window just makes everything better I won't lie I like his brother Marcus and I thought he liked me to but he made it very clear that I was wrong when he took a girl into one of the bedrooms at Sophie's party last week don't get me wrong justin is an amazing guy but I really Marcus "you okay"justin asks snapping me out of my thoughts "I've gotta go" he says "aw why" I ask him "I'm going it the movies with Ari" "at what time" I ask him " 9" he says "it's only 6:30" I say "I gotta get changed and stuff" I didn't know what else to do so I just kissed him we made out for about 5 minutes he pulled away "I really gotta go" he says out of breath "or you could stay for another while and we could do other stuff" I say before pushing him on the bed I straddled him "Taylor I really gotta go" just stay for a bit longer" I say pulling off his t-shirt "Taylor no stop I can't do this" he says "why not I ask" I have feelings for someone else" he says "Ariana" I ask he nods his head "and it's obvious you have feelings for Marcus" "I do" I say putting my head down "hey hey princess lift your head up your tiara is falling" he says lifting my head up "now go get your man" he says sending me a smile "I will and you go get your girl" I say poking his chest "I will you sure your okay" he asks "yes now go" and with that he left I pulled out my phone and texted Marcus