Chapter 8

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Arianas P.O.V
I woke up at 12 in the afternoon I was sore after last night so I decide to take a bath I try get out of bed without waking justin which didn't work out "shit" I say to myself "morning babe" he says in his raspy voice which sends chills down my spine "you mean afternoon" I say getting out of bed. I walk over to the press I keep the towls in "hey last night was a wild night babe" he says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind "true I'm gonna have a bath you can join me if you want" I say winking at him and strutting away "Just kidding" I say before walking into the bathroom "Tease" he says flopping on the bed and starts doing a little dance. This boy I swear "hey JuJu" I say peeping my head out the door "yeah Ari" he says stopping his lil dance "I love you" "I love you to" he says smiling at me I got into my bath I stayed in there for about 40 minutes I walk out and see Justin sitting on the bed dressed on his phone I guess he showered in the other bathroom. I walk over and stand in front of him he stands up and wraps his hand around my waiste "you know your beautiful without make-up on" he says lookin all over my face "oh shut up" I say "no we're taking a picture" he says taking his phone out "no justin I'm only in a towel" I say pointing to my towel "so I'll just get your face in it" he says kissing my cheek for the picture "I love it" he says he posted it on insta and set it as his lock screen "your beautiful" he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. He pulls me close and attaches his lips to my neck and starts to suck on my sweet spot causing me to moan I felt him smirk against my neck he continued sucking for a while while I just tangled my hands in his hair he pulled away and smirked  "what?" I ask "nothing" he says. I sit down on the bed and start brushing my hair Justin sat behind me and pulled me back so I'm leaning on him I look up at him "let's have a party tonight" Justin just nods his head I turn my self over and pull myself closer to him I don't even care that my towel fell off. We made out for a while "okay I should really get dressed I've been trying for the past 40 minutes but your sexy self keeps distracting me" I say poking his chest. I pick up my towel and start to get dressed "Babe can we go to the mall" I ask fixing my t-shirt well Justin's "you just wanna go to Starbucks don't you" he shouts from the bedroom "you know me so well" I shout tiring my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and over to Justin who's fixing himself in the mirror I smack the back of his head "ouch" he whines "what was that for" he asks "the hickey" I say pointing to my neck he just smirks "hey babe did I tell you you look hot in my t-shirt" he says looking me up and down "I look hot in everything" I say pinching his cheeks "true" he says "I know" I say winking at him before strutting out or the room and down the stairs.
"JUSTIN YOU READY" I shout "Yeah" he says coming down the stairs "let's go" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door. We decided to walk since its only a few minutes down the street ***
We've been gone for about 3 hours we got distracted by puppies we are currently sitting at fountain drinking our Starbucks and talking when all the "popular" girls start to walk our way"oh great" I think to myself justin just sighs because his ex girlfriend Sophie is with them "hey Justin and Ariana" Katie says. I love how she says Justin's name all happy and sounds like she wants to die saying my name "hi Katie" justin says I just send her a fake smile"hey Ari you look so much better without make up" she says and then starts laughing so do all her friends except Sophie she just stood there "you shouldn't wear it anymore" she says before they all laugh again "yeah and her tits look better without a t-shirt on but she's still gonna wear one isn't she" Justin says looking Katie dead in the eyes Katie and the rest of her friends stood there shocked Sophie just laughed "come on girls" Katie says before walking away "hey Ari I think you really are beautiful without make up" Sophie says "thanks Sophie" I say "no problem" she says before walking to catch up with the others. "Can we go to Cap city babe" Justin asks taking my hand and locking our fingers "course we can babe". We walk into the shop and Justin starts looking at hats while I just stand there admiring him he looks so cute when he's try to concentrate "what about this one" he asks snapping me out of my thoughts he shows me a blue  Oklahoma thunder cap

"I like it what's that one" I ask pointing to the one in his hand "oh the same in grey" I walk over and take both of them out of his hands and walk up to the cash register "Babe I'll pay for them" he says taking his wallet out of his pocket "no I'...

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"I like it what's that one" I ask pointing to the one in his hand "oh the same in grey" I walk over and take both of them out of his hands and walk up to the cash register "Babe I'll pay for them" he says taking his wallet out of his pocket "no I'm buying" I say pushing his hand away "that will be $70 ma'am" the lady behind the counter says. I hand her the money and take the bag we walk out of the shop I hand justin the bag and he pecks my lips "thank you babe" he says putting his arm around my shoulder "you wanna go home" I ask he just nods his head
*at home*
Me and justin got home and we were absolutely wrecked so we decided that we would just skip school again tomorrow and set up for the party. We're currently cuddled up on the couch watching grease I've got a lil surprise for Justin "back in a sec" I say getting up off the couch I run up stairs and get changed. I walk down stairs Justin is concentrated on the TV "perfect" I whisper to myself I walk over and sit on his lap so I'm straddling him. He bites his lip "Damn baby" he says looking me up and down "oh jerrys excited" I say putting my hand on his crotch "well how could he not be when my girlfriend is the beautiful Ariana grande" rubbing his hands up and down my sides "how much was your lil outfit" he asks "$30 why" I ask tilting my head to the side "just wanna make sure u didn't waste to much money" "waste?" I ask "yeah because that's getting ripped off you"he says before carrying me to the bedroom and placing me on the bed
*justins P.O.V*
I woke up at 11am with Ariana snuggled into my chest I look around the room and I can't help but laugh to myself because there's clothes thrown all over the floor half of Ari's outfit is on the end of the bed and the other is on the side of the room and she thought I was joking about ripping it off her. Ari starts to wake up "Morning baby" she says "morning" I kiss her forehead she looks around the room and giggles "you can clean that up" she says cuddling into my chest even more "oh can I now" I look down at her "yup" she says popping the "p" "oh really" I say flipping us so I'm Hoovering over her "yeah" she says giggling. I attack her face with kisses "justin I really love you" she says gripping my cheeks in her hands "and I really love you" I peck her lips and roll off her "so I'm gonna go have a shower" I say getting off the bed "mind if I join" she asks "wait are you being serious this time" I ask raising an eyebrow "yup"'she says sitting up on the bed "okay then come on" I say walking into the bathroom with her following behind
*5 hours later*
Everything is all set up for the party Food,Drink and decorations everyone will be here in a few minutes I just everything goes okay whenever me and my brothers are in the same place there's always a fight but I'm just gonna pray tonight goes well.

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