She used to be so different,
From this image that I see.
But then something changed,
And now this face is new to me.
I wish I knew what happened,
Nothing seemed all that bleak.
Then I remembered,
They said tears are for the weak.It was in that moment,
When I wiped a tear from my eye,
And I realized they were right-
It was pointless to cry.From then on in,
My heart began to mend.
As for my morals,
Well, they began to bend.Then once again,
Things began to fall.
But this time I just shook my head,
And said screw it all.Now I'm a long way from
That girl I used to see,
But the strange thing is,
I'm happy with this twisted me.

Poems of Life
PoesíaThis is a gathering of poems about different stages, kinds, and experiences of lives.