Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Ellie's POV

When I got to work, I was already a few minutes late, so what's a few more? I took out my phone and called my best friend.

"Hey Katie! You'll never believe what just happened!" I practically screamed into the phone because I was just so excited. Besides, Katie is a way bigger hockey fan that me so I'm sure she'll love to hear about it.

She sounded almost as excited as me when she shouted, "WHAT?!?"

"I just met the most amazing guy ever. We only talked for like 5 minutes, but you know that feeling when you can just look at someone and know they're special? Well that's how I feel about him," I smiled while my cheeks turned red.


"Oh yeah. This is the part you'll like. It's Olli Maatta."

There was a short silence because she was probably surprised or she didn't believe me. I wasn't sure which it was.


At this point, I had to turn my volume down because she was being obnoxious, but I couldn't blame her. I felt the exact same way!

"Haha calm down. We're going to lunch today. Honestly, he might decide he hates me after actually talking to me."

"What are you talking about?? You're the coolest person I know. If he doesn't like you, he won't like anyone."

"Thanks Ka-"


"I have to go to work, but maybe if we go on a few more dates, I'll get you his number."

"OMG I love you!"

I went to hang up the phone when I heard her say, "Oh and I'll be over tonight to get details about this date."

"Okay, see you then. Bye."

As I ended the call, I looked at the time. 10:09. I'm like 10 minutes late already. I practically ran to the elevator and hit the "2" button as fast as possible to get me to the second floor.

When I arrived, I said to the other secretary, "I am so sorry, Linda. I went to Starbucks to get a drink because I was exhausted and then I ran into someone and started talking and-"

"Oh Ellie, it's fine. We've all been late before. Don't stress out over it," She assured me. Linda was one of the sweetest ladies I knew. I loved working with her.


"Yeah, but I need you to copy some papers for me."


As I was copying papers, I saw my phone light up on my desk. Typically my dad is pretty cool about us checking our phones here, as long as it isn't busy.

I copied the papers and handed them to Linda. Then, of course, I went to check my phone.

It was a text from a random number.

"Hey it's Olli :) Would you want to get Subway for lunch? I know it's right by you're office so it should be easy for you. If you want to eat somewhere else that's totally fine too! I can meet you there anytime, but I forget when you said your lunch was. Sorry. Hope to see you later! -Olli"

Awe he is so cute. The office was pretty empty today so I texted him back, "Subway is great. I have lunch from 12-1. See you then. -Ellie"

I typically have short responses and make no sense when I'm really texting, but for Olli, I figured I should at least try to have it make sense.

Within a minute, my phone buzzed again.

"See you then :) -Olli"

I couldn't stop smiling. I haven't gone on a date in two years. I didn't feel the same way about that guy as I do about Olli and I knew him for 10 years before we started dating. I've known Olli for an hour. That's how I knew he was special.

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