Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Olli's POV

I heard a knock on the door.

"Beau, they're here."

"Oh good!" he said as he finished combing his hair.

I walked over and opened the door. Before I could say anything Beau ran over and shook hands with the girls.

"Hi, I'm Beau."

"I'm Ellie."

Then he looked to the girl behind Ellie. She had a pretty surprised look on her face. Maybe she's a fan?

"I'm Beau!"

"Hi Beau. I'm Katie. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Quite honestly Katie was pretty cute so I figured Beau already liked her. Katie might be cute, but goddamn, Ellie was stunning.

"Hey Ellie!" I cheered.

"Hey Olli," she said blushing.

"You look absolutely gorgeous."

"Aw thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," she said and then winked.

"Come in, girls," I said sounding a little too excited.

They walked into the first room in our apartment which was the living room.

"Can I have a word with Ellie for a second?" Katie said.

"Of course," I told her as I grabbed Beau's wrist and pulled him away with me.

"What do you think they're talking about?" he said.

"I have no idea, but Katie looked pretty excited to see you."

"Haha yeah. I was pretty excited once I saw her too."

He started to say something else when Ellie blurted out, "Okay we're done. I'm sorry about that."

I turned around so I was facing them again.

"Oh, it's fine, but I was going to order something for us to eat. Do you guys like pizza?"

At the same time, I heard three voices say, "Yes."

"Beau you like everything. You didn't have to answer, but I'll order that now."

Ellie's POV

As Olli ordered the pizza, I couldn't stop staring at him. God, he was so attractive. Even though I don't know him well, I seriously hope we last.

Once he hung up, he asked, "Do you guys want to watch a movie or play a game or we could go out later or-"

"Oooh Katie, would you want to go out with me tonight? I mean unless you want to stay with Ellie cause that's totally fine," Beau blurted out.

"I'd love too if Ellie and Olli are okay with it."

I looked at her and just smiled. Then I mouthed the words, "Have fun!" and winked at her.

I guess they didn't want to stay for pizza because they left pretty fast.

I turned around to look at Olli and he had a confused look on his face.

"What do you want to do tonight, Ellie?"

"I'm fine just staying here and playing a game or something."

"Awesome! That's what I wanted to do too."

As we were walking down the hall to go find a game I said, "So tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Well I play hockey!"

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