Chapter 7

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Olli's POV

After I dropped Ellie off, I drove home. I think I sat in my car for 45 minutes after I got there just thinking about her. How is it possible for someone to be so beautiful inside and out. She's absolutely perfect.

Once I went inside, I sat down on my couch and pulled out my phone. I told her I'd text her tonight.

"Hey! I had a lot of fun with you tonight. Let's hangout again! -Olli"

I hit send and waited for an answer.

All of the sudden, the door flung open.

"Hey sorry I'm home so late. Katie was absolutely amazing," Beau said with the stupidest smile on his face.

"Oh it's fine. What did you guys do?"

"Well I took her to Primanti Bros because she said it was her favorite restaurant. Then, we went for a walk in the park and watched the stars. It was perfect."

"Wow that sounds fun. Are you guys going on a second date?"

"Yeah we're going out tomorrow night."

"No you're not.."

"What do you mean?"

"We have practice tomorrow night. You can't blow that off for a girl."

"Shit I forgot. I'll text her and change it."

"You better."

"So what did you and Ellie do?"

"We ate pizza, played board games and just talked. It was really nice."

"Oh that's fun."

My phone buzzed.

It was Ellie. She said, "I had fun too! I work tomorrow, but I'm free all day Saturday. Do you want to do something then? -Ellie"

"Beau do we have anything going on Saturday?"

He looked up from his phone with a slightly confused look on his face, "I don't think so. Why?"

"I'm going to hangout with Ellie."

"Oh that's fun."

I texted her back, "I'm free all day as well! Can I take you to the zoo? -Olli"

She answered almost immediately, "Yes!! I love the zoo! Can you pick me up or should I meet you there? -Ellie"

"Don't be silly. It's a date. I'll pick you up. Does 11 work for you? -Olli"

"Absolutely! I'll see you then :) -Ellie"

Wow I am so excited for this date. She's amazing.

AN: Omg I got a new phone & never redownloaded this. I'll try to update a couple more times, but I had this saved in my drafts & just added the very end. Thanks for your never ending support❤️ & LETS GO PENS!!!!!

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