Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Olli's POV

I ran into my house with a huge smile on my face knowing that Ellie would be over at 7.

I looked around and realized I had a ton of stuff to clean up before she got here. One of those things includes myself. I'm a mess.

I started picking up cups and plates we had laying around. God I hated cleaning dishes though. Beau usually does the dishes and I do the laundry. I guess he was just too busy today.

As I was putting the last plate away, my phone rang. It was Beau.

"What's up, Beau?"

"Hey I just called to see how your date went? I should be home in 20 minutes."

"Welllllll about that. I slept through it, but-"

"You slept through it?" he said laughing.

"It's not very funny, but yes I did. I went and talked to her though. It's all okay now. By the way, will you be home tonight?"

"I should be, why?"

"I invited Ellie over and she said she was supposed to hangout with her best friend so I invited her too. I said you'd be here so she'd have someone to hangout with."


"Beau, I don't mean to break it to you, but I have no idea what this friend looks like. Don't get your hopes up."

Beau was extremely disappointed to hear that and all he could say was, "Oh.."

"But Ellie is absolutely gorgeous so I'm sure her friend isn't ugly."

"I hope so."

"Okay well they're coming at 7 and the house is a wreck so get home and help me clean."

"Ugh okay. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Once Beau got home, we swept the floor, did the laundry, wiped down the table and counter, and I even lit a scented candle so it smelled

After cleaning, I took a shower.

I couldn't get Ellie off my mind. I seriously hope all goes well tonight.

Ellie's POV

Once I got home from work, I texted Katie.

"Hey. Olli came down and apologized. He fell asleep and missed our date. Haha. He invited me over tonight, but I told him I was hanging out with you so do you want to come? -Ellie"

After hitting send, I flopped down on my bed.

Not even a minute after I sent the text, Katie responded.

"I'd love too! What time? -Katie"

I quickly answered, "7 & he said his roommate will be there. Maybe he's hot. -Ellie"

I decided I should probably take a shower.

After showering came the hard part. I needed to find an outfit. I decided to go with a pair of high-waisted skinny jeans, a long sleeved maroon crop top and some black sandals.

Then I did my makeup. Typically I don't wear makeup, but my sister always did so I learned from her and I'm pretty good at it.

After finally deciding on my lip gloss color, I threw in in my purse in case I wanted to put more on later.

Time for my hair. First I blow dried it because you can't do much with it when it's wet. Then I decided I wanted to curl it. I just got this new curling wand and I love it!!

After I was all done, I looked in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty fucking good. Hopefully Olli thinks so too.

I heard a knock at the door and I figured it was Katie, but it was just my brother. He's 4 years older than me but he still lives around here so he visits often.

"Where's mom and dad?"

"I think they're still at work. Neither of them have been home yet."

"Oh I'll wait for them then. Are you going out tonight? You look good."

I blushed a little bit and said , " Yeah I have a date tonight, but don't worry, Katie is coming too."

"Ooooh who's the guy?"

"His name is Olli. This is honestly the first date so I don't know if there will be anymore."

Before he could say anything else, Katie walked up to the door.

"Damn girl," she screamed, " you look HOT!! If Olli doesn't like you, he's fucking blind."

"Damn girl me? Damn girl you. You don't even know who this guy is and you look good for him. You go girl."

"Haha thanks! We should probably get going. We don't want to keep them waiting."

Katie said she'd drive so I pulled up his address on my phone and we left. I sent him a text saying we'd be there in 5 minutes.

"Katie, I'm seriously SO excited to see Olli again. No matter how much you love or hate Olli's friend, please stay cool because I really don't want anything bad to happen. I hope there's a second date."

"Don't worry, Ellie! Even if I love his friend, our friendship comes before guys. I've got your back."

I just smiled. She was such a good friend. I don't know how I was lucky enough to find her.

AN: OMG BEAU GOT TRADED. How do you guys feel about that? I'm so sad even though I saw it coming :(
I'm probably going to keep him in the story for a while though because I had big plans for him. haha.

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