Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Ellie's POV

It was September 15, 2016 and all of my friends had started college. I took the year off because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet. I graduated first in my class out of two hundred something students so I figured it wouldn't be too hard to get into college next year. Plus, college was expensive. I needed to save up so I could afford it. I was working 2 jobs this year. One, as a manager at Walmart, which honestly sucked. My co-workers were so rude, they were never on time & most of them didn't like each other, but I needed the money so I had to deal with it. The second one was as a part time secretary for my dad. He was a doctor and he had two secretaries, but one just had a baby so I was covering for her while she was gone. It was nice spending time with my dad a few days a week.

I was one my way to work with my dad, but my god, I was exhausted. I stopped at the closest place I could find, which happened to be a Starbucks to pick up something to drink.

When I walked in, half asleep, there was a long line. I pulled out my phone to scroll through Twitter when all of a sudden, someone bumps into my back.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

His accent was so think. I couldn't quite tell where he was from, but he was kinda hard to understand. As I looked up from my phone, there was a tall, blonde haired guy standing there looking at me.

"Oh don't worry about it, it's fine," I replied as my eyes meet with his. Holy shit he was gorgeous.

With a grin, he softly said, "I'm Olli."

"I'm Ellie," I said shaking his hand.

He might have been the most attractive man I had ever seen.

Behind me, I heard someone say, "Excuse me miss, what are you getting?"

I turned around & the girl behind the counter was glaring at me. You could tell she did not want to be working today.

"Can I get a Tall White Chocolate Mocha, please?" I said hesitantly because quite honestly, I had no idea what it was. I just saw it in the menu and went with it.

"And your name?"


"That'll be $3.75"

I was having trouble opening my wallet, when the cute guy behind me stepped in front of me and said, "I'll take care of it," as he handed the girl behind the counter $4.00 and told her to keep the change.

"You really shouldn't have done that," I said to him as I put my wallet away.

"Why not? I ran into you so I owed you something. Plus, it would be a crime to make a girl as beautiful as you pay for that."

My cheeks turned as red as a beet and a huge smile appeared across my face.

"Why thank you, Olli!"

He just smiled and then nervously laughed, "So, um, would you maybe want to, um, sit down and talk?"

"Well I really should go to work soon, but a couple minutes won't kill me."

We walked over to the table in the corner and sat down.

"So where do you work?" he asked.

"Do you know where Dr. Haffey's office is? It's just down the road."

"Yeah, I've heard about it."

"Well that's my dad so I work there as a part time secretary. I just graduated high school, but I didn't know what to do in college so I took the year off."

"Wow that's pretty cool and I'm sure you'll figure it out!"

His accent was one of the most attractive things about him. It was so adorable. I couldn't get over it. I didn't want him to ever stop talking.

"Well I hope so, but where do you work?"

"Well actually I'm a hockey player for the Pittsburgh Penguins."

Oh my god. How could I have missed that. It's Olli Maatta. I was just so tired, I didn't even realize it was him. How stupid of me.

"Wait, you're Olli Maatta.."

"You a fan?"

"I watch hockey sometimes, but apparently not enough to recognize you," I said hoping he would laugh. It came across a little rude, but hopefully he wouldn't notice it that way.

"Haha that's okay. Not too many people notice me, but I think I like it better that way. Sidney Crosby can't even go out in public without someone asking for a picture or an autograph or even sometimes, he'll get attacked. He has other people do his shopping for him most of the time. I enjoy shopping though so I'm glad I'm not him."

"Dang that would really suck."

"Haha yeah"

I looked down at my phone to check the time. 9:56. Shit. I was going to be late for work.

"Well Olli, it's been really nice talking to you, but I really have to get to work or else I'll get yelled at." I pulled a little piece of paper out of my purse and wrote my number down. "If you want, you can text me sometime."

"What time do you get off work?"

"Well I'm done at 6, but I have a lunch break from 12 till 1 so if you're free, maybe we could grab lunch."

"I'd love too. I'll text you, but have a good day at work."

"Thanks," I said running out the door because I was going to be late and I knew my dad would be pissed. But even if I am late, it will be worth it. I might have just met the most genuine, attractive guy ever.

AN: WOOO! Chapter 1 is done!! I think I'm going to like this story! I'll try to update every day for a little bit, but I doubt that will happen, although I know most of my chapters will probably be a lot shorter than this so it might be easier.

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