Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Olli's POV

When I got home from my wonderful coffee run this morning, my roommate,
Beau Bennett, wasn't there. I had no idea where he was so I figured I should text him.

"Hey dude. Where are you? I have to tell you about this girl I met today! -Olli"

Once I sent it, I sat down on the couch, and I went through my phone to find the texts with Ellie. At this point, it was 10:30 so I have an hour to chill before I have to get ready for my date. If all goes well, we'll forever have to say our first date was Subway. I'm a professional hockey player, taking a girl to Subway. Impressive.

It was nice and peaceful having the house to myself when all of a sudden, Beau walks in the door.

"Sorry, I was out getting food."

"What a surprise," I roll my eyes, "but you'll never believe what happened to me today."

"You got traded?"

"What the hell? No."

"A bird shit on you?"


"You're gay and you-"

"BEAU STOP. I met a girl. The most beautiful girl ever."

"You mean BEAUtiful?" he said laughing, extremely proud of himself.

"STOP RIGHT NOW. But I'm going out with her later."

"Ooh you're going to the zoo later?"

"What the hell does that even mean, Beau?"

"Well you said you were going on a date and everyone knows girls don't like you so I figured you were going out with a gorilla or something."

"You're so fucking stupid. She's a real girl. She's extremely pretty. She seems sweet. She has the most adorable smile. God Beau, she's perfect."

"How'd you meet her?"

"I ran into her getting coffee this morning."

"Oh cool. Does she have any hot friends??" he asked so seriously.

"Beau I have no idea. We talked for like 5 minutes. Maybe I'll ask her for one of her friends numbers for you, but wait until we go on a couple more dates."

"Awe thanks man."

Beau was so obsessed with girls. Sometimes I thought he purposely got injured playing hockey so he could spend more time with girls.

I checked my phone. 10:40. I have time to take a nap.

"Beau I'm taking a nap. I'll be up in a little bit."

"Okay I'm going out with Rusty soon so I'll be gone when you wake up."

I swear he didn't know 'Rusty' had a real name. That's all Beau called him. Poor Bryan. Beau was too stupid to realize people had real names though. Haha oh well, there was nothing we could do about it.

After sitting on the comfortable couch for a while, I walked back to my room and went to sleep.

AN: Sorry this chapter is so short. I've got most of the next chapter done & I promise it will be a lot longer. I'll probably post it tomorrow. I'm just trying to get this story going.

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