Mina Cauldwell

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Mina looked around one more time. It would be her second year coming to Hogwarts, yet she was more nervous than she had been the year before. She would be taking all her first year classes again, as she had missed too much school the year before to proceed into the 2nd year.

"Just run through," Her sister told her. Mina looked up at her 4th year sister, Sana, her dyed silver hair shinning. Mina was so glad that her sister was healthier, as she had been on her deathbed the year before, and that had led to the both of them repeating their years. Sana seemed more enthusiastic about it than Mina did. "It's going to be ok." Sana told Mina.

"Ok," Mina said, trying to calm herself down. She tightened her grip on her cart and ran towards the brick wall.

For the 5 years (of course she had went to see her sister off before Mina went to Hogwarts herself) she had been coming through the entrance to 9 3/4, she never ceased to be amazed. The students saying goodbye to their parents, seeing their friends they hadn't seen all summer.

"I'm going to find my friends Mina. がんばろう." Sana said to Mina. The both of them spoke Japanese so they could talk to their Japanese mother better, since their British father passed away the first year Sana had been at Hogwarts. The both of their parents were Wizards and they had decided to send their children to Hogwarts and not Mahoutokoro.

"はい姉," Mina replied. Sana went off to socialize leaving Mina alone. Sana had always been the more social one and she had a leg up since she was in Gryffindor. Mina was in Slytherin, although she believed she had never fit in there. Mina had become friends with Louis and Lucy Weasley, and Mary Chang.

She was too nervous to approach them though. She didn't know how they would react to her not coming back to Hogwarts after winter break. She made a decision. She would approach them after supper, but she would find some 1st years to sit with during the journey to Hogwarts.

Once Mina boarded the train, at 5 minutes till 11, she started looking for someone to sit with. She passed the new students everyone was talking about,—Rose Weasley, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. She passed her sister's compartment, that Sana shared with two fourth years and two of her old 5th year friends that Mina could remember visiting Sana during Easter.

Someone bumped into her. "Sorry!" The girl said frantically. She seemed to be a first year.

"It's ok." Mina replied smiling. "I'm Mina Cauldwell." She told the younger girl.

"Fiona." She stated, starting to smile back. "Sorry again. I was looking for a compartment."

"It's no problem Fiona. Come with me, we can look for one together." Mina replied. She started walking down the corridor again, now with Fiona following her.

"Look there's another girl there!" Fiona told Mina a few minutes later. "Let's try and make friends with her."

"Sounds fantastic." She replied, pushing her dark brown hair out of my face. Fiona bounced off towards the girl and Mina followed her.

"Hello, I'm Fiona, this is Mina, would you like to look for a compartment with us?" Fiona asked the girl, smiling from ear to ear.

"Sure. It's not like I have any friends here anyway. I didn't even know magic existed until I kept getting letters."

"So you're a muggleborn?" Asked Mina. The girl looked at her questioningly. "A muggle is someone who doesn't have magic." She explained. Mina was a pureblood, and a Slytherin, but she didn't believe for a second that pureblood a were any better than any other blood status.

"I have no clue, you see, I don't know who my parents are. And my name is Willow by the way."

"So I'm a Muggleborn too? Cause both my parents are muggles." Fiona asked Mina. Mina just nodded smiling slightly. "And what are you?"

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