Chapter 4~ The Scar

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After two days, the group had their first day at Hogwarts. Well, for Mina it wasn't exactly, but for the rest it was. The group was excited, and they attended their first class with full energy.

The group bumped into each other in the hallways as they rushed to their class. Luckily, all of them had one or two of the others in each of the classes.

"Ready for the first day?" Fiona asked to the rest once they left the Great Hall from breakfast. All of them replied "Yes!" Or some variation, except Mitali, the girl only nodded, but the excitement was evident on her face. Her face was lighted up, even though she wasn't smiling.

Later that day Mina, Fiona and Name, went to their Flying class. The teacher, Madam Hooch, instructed them to first lift up their brooms by saying, "Up".

The trio and the rest of the students all started to command the broom. Mina seemed extremely bored, and the first time she said "Up" the broom flew into her hand. She had done this before, anyways.

For the rest of the group, the brooms listened to them their second time. Most students were struggling, except Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy and some of the Purebloods and Halfbloods, because they had done it before at home.

After a few minutes of people trying to get their brooms into their grasp, Madam Hooch spoke again. "Ok, now hover." All the students hovered for a moment and then bent back down. Mina excelled at everything. She looked over to Fiona and Name, who were also doing great for first years.

Then, Madam Hooch started to talk about training for quidditch. Mina zoned out, as she knew everything already. Fiona and Name seemed very excited when Hooch talked about it. They were good at flying, so maybe they would get on the quidditch team next year.

After that, Madam Hooch dismissed them and they all hurried out of class. The group met up in the hallways again.

"I can't believe I have to do flying again, I understand the other classes but flying? Really? I've already done it and I've been flying since I was 7! I can't believe McGonagall won't let me try out for the team." Mina complained.

The group nodded and some said "Yeah." Mitali Sharma, although felt like she needed to not be part of the friend group. She was already getting too close, so she had to do something that would get her kicked out of the group.

"Well, Slytherins always cheat anyways. You'll get on the team somehow. You are a Slytherin after all," Mitali snapped. She felt regret and sorrow as soon as she said it, but she kept telling herself "It's for their own good." The group involuntarily inched away from her. All except for Fiona. Her only reply was a shrug.

"What?" Mina asked Fiona.

Fiona looked around. "I don't know. Maybe some Slytherins are that way. Can't be sure." At the moment, her mind was on other things and she hadn't gotten much rest, so she didn't really pay attention to what came out of her mouth.

Mina's face was filled with hurt and anger. She exclaimed, "You know what? I am a Slytherin, I don't need to hang out with you first years anyway. I'm out of here!" At that moment, she decided she didn't want to be friends with them anymore. Her old friends were way better than them. She didn't even care that nobody would talk to her during her classes. Mina stomped to go to McGonagall's office.

The remaining group turned to Mitali and Fiona and shook their heads. "Did you have to say that?" Willow asked with sadness evident on her face.

"Look at how much you hurt her!" Name said.

Mitali bit her tongue. She wanted to say, "I'm sorry! I just don't want anyone to get hurt because of me!" But Mitali refrained from doing so. Instead she replied, "Well, it's true." Fiona just shrugged, suddenly realizing what she had said, and trying to hide the horror she had at her words.

The group looked at them with disgust and walked away.  Mitali felt like crying, but held back her tears. "They'll understand someday why. They will...Right?" Mitali thought to herself. Fiona left her, walking to class, once again lost in thoughts. Mitali felt alone.

"Well, I'm used to being alone. This is my comfort zone. No true friends, now that's what I'm used to," She mumbled under her breath. Mitali started to walk to class, but she couldn't pull back the two tears that trailed down her cheek as she walked to class.

Mina strolled towards McGongall's office to talk about the quidditch situation. She felt extremely enraged by the behavior of who she thought were her friends. Mina would ignore them. But then she thought about Fermin, Name and Willow. They hadn't said anything against her.

"I bet they feel the same way too!" Mina concluded. Her grip tightened around her books as she drove her nails into them in anger.

Meanwhile, the fuming Mina started to have a mix of emotions. Right after her anger dissolved, sadness set in. "But what if it's true? What if I am a cheater?" Mina thought.

Mina was lost in thoughts until she noticed she had arrived at the Griffin door leading to McGongall's office. She said the password, Cauldren Cakes, (the Slytherins always keep track of the passwords) and ran up the stairs that had appeared. She quickly went to knock on the door, but heard voices coming from inside and hid next to the door.

"It's hurting again McGongall," Someone informed.

"But that's impossible Mr. Potter. The dark lord is dead, you and I both know that." Mina heard McGongall claim.

"Why else would the scar hurt? It only hurts if his presence of some sort is around," The person replied.

Mina's eyes widened as she realized who that person was. It was Harry Potter! The Harry Potter!

"Mr. Potter, this is absolute nonsense. You could just have a migraine, they happen when you get older. Most of mine were caused by you during your school years. Anyway, it is school hours, you don't want any students to hear this. I will discuss this with you later," McGongall said.

Mina heard the turning of a doorknob and she decided to talk about her situation later. She ran as quietly as she could to her next class.

"What was that all about? I need to figure this out," Mina thought as she hurried to her next class. She wanted to consult her new friends, her second year friends all were too close to Harry Potter in some way, but her new friends weren't talking to her, not that she wanted to talk to them. She was all alone on this.

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