Chapter 13

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The six infinite brothers noticed Minsoek keeps on glancing at them while singing and he looks uncomfortable. His voice cracked while hitting the high note and Sunggyu suddenly signals them to stop. "Avoid staring on us Minsoek and focus yourself to your song." Minsoeok look sad then nods and they start to play again their own composed rock song. He was closing his eyes now while singing so that he would not notice that his dad and uncles are there. But later his voice cracked again while hitting the high notes and they stopped again after Sunggyu signals them to stop. "Did you warm up your voice before singing?" Sunggyu is slightly annoyed now and his dongsaengs secretly gossiping about him and he suddenly scolds them to shut up.

"Yes dad." Minsoek answered in a sad tone.

"Well! It sounds like you didn't. Let's warm up your voice first." Sunggyu helped his son warming up his voice and Woohyun teaching his nephew some techniques how to hit the high notes that the audience would never notice that he is nervous. Then later the beaters start again. But it's still the same his voice cracked again and Sunggyu suddenly gets mad now and nags at him. "Minsoek what happened? Have you not even think about your band mates that they are probably tired keep on repeating and their hands are hurting now because of your mistake?"

"Hyung maybe he's just tense now because were infront of them." Woohyun suddenly defends his nephew.

"Well! He must train himself now how to be comfortable infront of us! What if he's already in an actual stage to perform in a big event would he still be like this if we don't train him early?"

Woohyun suddenly shut his mouth then tapped the shoulders of his nephew. "I know you can do it Minsoek just believe in yourself. Fighting!"

They music starts and Minsoek made a mistake now in the lyrics. He suddenly stop singing and put down the guitar bass when his dad gets mad at him again. "I know! I cannot be as a good singer like you because I'm just your son from a one night stand with your ex-girlfriend before when you meet her again!" Minsoek madly yelling to his dad and Sunggyu slap his face. His uncles were all shocked after Sunggyu slap his face while his cousin Daeyeol and Hyungsoo staring in disbelief at them because it was the first time they heard that issue about Sunggyu and his real mother. Minsoek briefly stare to his dad with a fierce eyes then walks so fast going outside the music room and he's crying. He is already in the living room now when his uncle Myungsoo arrived.

"Minsoek what happened? Why you're crying?" But Minsoek ignored his uncle and walks fast going outside. Myungsoo saw Sunggyu is also running fast now following his eldest son. Then his eyes moved to his other five brothers already heading in the living room now and they explained to him what heppened.
"Minsoek..." his eldest son suddenly stop without turning his back and he's still crying. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know you didn't expect that because I never use even a single hand to hurt you since you're still young in your mistakes. You know what? You're so lucky my son, I did not decipline you as how our dad deciplines us before when were still just a little kids of your uncles." Sunggyu cries while explaining to his son how their father deciplines the eight of them before because he suddenly miss his dad. Sunggyu suddenly hug Minsoek after he turn his nack to face him and rubs his back when he sobs. "I'm sorry...always remember that dad loves you so much."

"Yes dad...I love you too...I'm really sorry too."

Going back in the music room. Daeyeol is also went outside now and only Hyungsoo left there playing his black guitar. He stop playing after he felt a goosebump touches his skin and he suddenly moving his eyes around. The cold prince just notice now that the walls is full of infinite posters then his eyes stuck in the big solo picture of L on the wall. He step his feet near there while holding his guitar. L is very handsome in that picture wearing all black while holding his black guitar that is already in his hands now. His hair is also curly and Hyungsoo suddenly touches his curly hair too. Then he stare long at his poker face. "That's why they always mistaken me as you because they are right I realy look alike to you." Hyungsoo is talking to L. "I'm just like standing in my mirror now." While he was staring at the picture of his look alike. There was a two feet stepping near at him now and he's also staring at the big photo of his twin brother.

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