After finding out toby is helping A

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Spencer POV

I just cry and cry I thought what we had we real, but I was wrong Toby never loved me every kiss he time we touched when we had sex it was all fake just an act. I really loved Toby. I grab my phone and look though every text message we ever sent to each other. my favourite ones where

I can't wait for tonight spence! can u?-toby❤

I can't wait eathier I miss u wish u didn't have to go to work 😥-spencer

I miss u to and I love you so much more than anything in the world😘-Toby❤

Aww I love you to tobes 😘-spencer

I should get back to doing my job spence txt u on my break luv u so much-toby❤

Bye luv u to tobes-spencer.


I got u something spence-toby❤

What is it?-spencer.

Wait and see tonight -toby❤

Tobes you know I hate surprise-spencer

I know see you later luv u to much -toby❤

Luv u to tobes bye -spencer

Every time he said he loved me he was lieing to me. I throw my phone at the wall. toby will never be in my life again I will never love anyone as much as I love him. I can't live with out toby but now I have to learn to live with out him he won't kiss me or hug me when I see him we won't ever have sex again because he probably hates me becasue he's on the A -team. I don't hate him I'm really upset and hurt .

" Spencer come on get up " my mom says. " f*ck off you bitch " I yell. " spencer stop he can't spend your life laying in bed " she says. " I can if I want " I say. "you never told me what happened " she says. " do you know about A" I ask. " yes I know everything about A and the Ateam " she says. " you can't tell any one you could get killed" I tell her. " yes I promise you spence " she says.
"Ok on me and Tobys anniversary I went to his apartment to set the stuff up and I grabed a pen for where all the pens were and I found Toby's picture on a Radley thing and it said E.lamb you must know about that if you know about A. and than I left and toby got into the house to look for this key and I was standing behind him and I said is this what your looking for than I throw it somewhere and I held out that Radley thing and he asked how long have you known than I slapped him and he left " I say and cry into my moms shirt. " spencer it's going to be ok " she says. " no it's not " i say. " do you want me to leave?" she asked . " Yes I just want to be along and you can't tell anyone about A not dad not your friends or family Melissa Knowsbecasue she was on the A team " I say than my mom leaves

After finding out Toby is helping A |NOT WRITING ANYMORE|Where stories live. Discover now