Chapter 1

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It's a Wednesday, July 6th, three days before Lin is to leave the show. It's been an emotional week, trying to prepare himself for Saturday. Lin didn't think he would become so emotional about leaving, but he has, and he's making the most of these final days with his cast mates.

Lin cracks his tired eyes open, the sun streaming in through the blinds hanging over the window. He sighs- trying to recall faint dreams quickly escaping his memory -and reaches for his phone, checking the time: 7:45, fifteen minutes before his alarm is set to go off. Lin decides to take advantage of these empty fifteen minutes and rolls over, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist, pulling her against his chest.

Lin puts his forehead against her neck and smiles, "Good morning," he whispers. She rolls over to face him with her eyes still closed, "Morning."

They stay like this for a few minutes more before Lin finally sits up, pushing back the stray hair in his face as he stands, walking towards the door.

Lin walks to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face to wake himself. He redoes the bun in his hair and walks out of the bathroom and to Sebastian's room. Lin slowly opens the door, poking his head in to check on his son. He's still sleeping, and should be until at least 8:30.

When he walks down the stairs to the kitchen, Lin goes about his usual routine, making himself and Vanessa breakfast, letting Tobillo out to go to the bathroom, and setting aside a small plate of scrambled eggs for Sebastian too.

Lin was so distracted by making breakfast he didn't realize it was already 8:45, and he has to leave.

He quickly rushes to their bedroom, changing into jeans and a t-shirt. "Vanessa, breakfast is in the kitchen. I'll see you later, love you." He says, kissing her quickly before heading back downstairs, grabbing his toast on his way out the door.


By the time he reaches the theatre, it is around 9:30, New York traffic living up to its reputation. He walks by the dozen fans waiting there, smiling and yelling things at him. He smiles back and waves, and when Lin reaches the door, he feels someone's hand on his shoulder. He spins around, startled.

"Mr. Miranda? Hi, I was just wondering if you could sign this for me quick, I'm a huge fan." The man behind the barricade says. "Sure, of course." Lin replies, agreeing because the fan seems adamant and Lin has a minute to spare. As he takes the copy of the book Alexander Hamilton, he looks at the man in front of him. He's wearing a hat and dark sunglasses, and he has a scar on his chin.

"Who do you want it signed to?" Lin asks, giving him a smile. "Oh, um, to Ross would be great." Lin signs the book and hands it back.

"Hey, do I know you?" Lin asks, folding his arms across his chest. The man looks up at him, smiles, "No, I don't think you do. Thank you so much." He replies, beginning to walk away through the small crowd of people.

Lin shrugs to himself, and turns to the door once again, slightly confused by the interaction.

Lin doesn't think about it for the rest of the day, getting ready for the show at 2. He refuses to let anything get in his way of having the best time for his last few shows.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, there'll be more soon! *PS, this is my first story involving Lin, sorry if anything I write about him seems off haha*

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