Chapter 5

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*12 hours later* 

Lin's head floats among dark clouds. A feeling of peace surrounded by a mass of unsettling fog. It is in this state of confused relaxation that he is startled awake by a flood of freezing water crashing over his head. 

Lin shoots up from where he lays on the floor, kneeling as involuntary screams rip from his throat. His eyes are wrenched shut, trying to prevent the still flowing water from getting inside them. The powerful, cold stream of water moves from his head to his chest to suddenly gone, and Lin finds himself still yelling. There is a flurry of aggravated voices from above him and a boot viciously connects with his stomach. He grunts in pain and keels forward, spitting water from his mouth and trying to keep himself from throwing up. 

Lin's breaths come sharp and fast as he shakes his head quickly to try to get his dripping hair out of his eyes. 

Unintelligible words are spoken and Lin realizes he has water in his ears, muffling everything and he's too scared to look up, doesn't want to accept that this situation is real, that this is happening to him. 

Water comes rushing from his left ear as another kick is sent to his shoulder, "I fucking said sit up!" The gruff voice above him demands, and the bright light hanging from the ceiling temporarily blinds Lin as he attempts to look at the man in front of him. 

Correction: men. There are three men in front of him.

Lin looks around in a panic, surveys the crummy basement he's in and the small window allowing some light from the outside world in. There is a door, which Lin assumes is probably locked, and would be impossible to reach anyway. His ankles are still taped together, as well as  his hands behind his back. Lin's memories of the past night begin to piece together, the rare moments of consciousness he was allowed on the car ride to wherever they are now. 

Lin notices a hose by the feet of the man on the left.

Then, the man with the scar, Ross, Lin remembers, steps forward and roughly grabs his chin, forcing Lin to look up into his eyes. "Can you pay attention now, you little rat?" He asks, and when Lin realizes it's not a rhetorical question he minutely nods his head, and Ross releases his vice-like grip.  

"I'm James," The man in the middle says. "This is my friend Robert," James gestures to his left. "And I believe you've already met your good pal Ross." He finishes, a snarl in his tone. 

James takes a step closer towards Lin, "Before you even try to think about it, that door over there? It's locked from the outside. We'll be down in a few hours to make a video to send to your pretty little wife-" A fire begins to boil his chest at the mention of Lin's wife coming from this monster's mouth. "-who'll give us a... small amount of money for your pathetic life." James squats in front of Lin while his coworkers snicker behind him. "And you are just going to sit here like the good little theater boy you are, and wait it all out. Got it?" 

Lin blinks, and is semi-relieved all they want is money. Lin swallows thickly and nods again, but is met with a slap, his head snapping to the side from the shock and force of it. "Use your words, Linny." James says in a sing-song voice, condescending and Lin has an instant, passionate hatred for this man. 

"Got it." Lin grits out through his teeth, attempting to show this man that he is not afraid. But James sees right through his facade, and laughs. "Good." He replies, looking Lin over with his light, pale blue eyes. He smiles once more at Lin before standing up, running a hand through his jet black hair. 

The three men turn and walk to the wooden stairs at the other end of the dingy basement without another word, walking up the rickety steps where they open the door, and lock it shut. 

Lin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, his cheek stinging and body shivering from his damp, cold clothes and the puddle of water he's sitting in. He takes another shaky breath before the room spins a little and he collapses to his side, his vision fading to black once again, this time his unconsciousness caused only by himself. 


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