Chapter 3

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Hey guys! So I changed the timeline a bit in the last chapter, so it changes a couple things, but it's not drastic. Just a warning so maybe re-read the last chapter in case there's confusion<3

"What's taking him so long?" Someone asks Vanessa as she sits in the room Lin left about fifteen minutes ago. "I'm not sure, it's probably one of his cousins or something. He loves his family and he loves to talk." Vanessa jokes, trying to ease her own the slight tension in the atmosphere.

After about another ten minutes, Vanessa rises to her feet, "I'll go look for him, we need to get going soon, anyways." She says, knowing of the after party Lin and her need to be at.

She walks briskly through the hallways of the theater and asks anyone who goes by if they've seen Lin. They all say that they haven't, until Vanessa bumps into Chris.

"Hey, Chris! Have you seen Lin?" She asks, smiling as he gives her a hug. "Yeah, he went outside I think, right?" Chris replies, quirking an eyebrow.

"Do you know where?" Vanessa asks, and Chris points down the hallway. "Just keep going straight until you reach the final hallway on the right and I think I saw him go out the door at the end of it." He says, and begins to walk by her.

"Ok, thanks so much!" She says, and barely registers that Chris says goodbye because she is in such a rush- they need to leave, why is Lin taking so long? He can just call whoever it is later.

When she reaches the hallway Chris mentioned she sees the door at the end propped open, and she sighs in relief.

Vanessa walks down and opens the door, "Lin?" She calls out, and when she steps outside she sees no one around. "Lin?" She calls out a little louder, and scans the alley again.

Vanessa is about to turn around and go inside when something catches her eye. She lets go of the door and walks to the small dark object that caught her eye. When she's standing above it she realizes it's a phone. She bends down to grab it and her heart almost stops when she recognizes what it actually is:

It's Lin's phone.


The taxi rolls to yet another stop and the driver angrily pounds the steering wheel, swearing under his breath. "Don't start freaking out on me," The man in the passenger seat says. "we'll be fine. We just need to make it out of the city and it's smooth from there, alright?"

"Fuck off." The driver replies roughly, taking a deep breath to calm some of the nerves coursing through his body.

Another man, in the back, taps his fingers against his thigh, almost misses the slight movement on the floor of the backseat, the movement coming from underneath the blanket that covers the person beneath it.


Lin's body feels as if it's floating as he slowly regains consciousness. He has a pounding headache, there's a sharp ringing in his ears and wherever he is it's pitch black.

Lin focuses on breathing, filling his sore lungs with as much air as possible before exhaling a shaky breath, the floaty feeling quickly fading as panic bubbles up inside of his chest.

Within the next minute he becomes acutely aware that his hands are taped tightly behind his back, and his ankles are also taped together, so tight and cruel that even through his jeans he can feel the bite of it.

Lin inhales once more, thoughts finally beginning to enter his head as he realizes his mouth is also rendered useless, tape wrapped around it and the back of his head.

Lin groans as he shifts onto his side, his body aching as a piece of his hair falls into his eye, and he bitterly thinks about how he should've cut it shorter.

"Shit, I think he's awake." A deep voice says from above him, and Lin is startled, trying to back away from the source but is met with some sort of wall? Chair? He's not sure. He thinks it's a car because he's moving and there are bumps that send him slightly into the air as the car moves incredibly fast when it has the chance, but comes screeching to a halt frequently- traffic. Still in New York?

"What the fuck do you mean he's awake? He's supposed to stay asleep for at least a few hours. Did you give him enough?" Another voice responds, from where Lin thinks is the driver's seat.

Lin's memory of what happened to hi
comes into his mind and he thrashes against his bonds, trying to break free. How long has it been? How far away have they taken him so far?

Has anyone noticed I'm  gone yet?

Lin worries to himself and he can barely breathe, fighting to remove not only the cloth from his head- which he thinks might be a pillow case -and the blanket covering his whole body.

Lin makes as much noise as possible behind the sticky tape, trying to work it off his mouth and jaw but it's not working, and his hands are still effectively trapped behind him.

He manages to remove the blanket from his upper body and he moves to sit up, rubbing his head against the chair behind him, the pillow case falling off.

Lin's temporarily blinded by the bright lights streaming in from the windows, and it's confirmed that he is, in fact, in a car, and by the looks of it he's in the backseat of a taxi.

"What do I do?" The man sitting in the back seat asks, reaching for something in the bag next to him.

"Give him another dose!" The man in the front frantically replies.

Lin finally manages to sit up and he tries to shimmy  his way over to the window as quickly as possible, though his movements are slow and clumsy.

Lin gets as far as he can and his eyes just barely reach above where the window begins, but before he can do anything the man in the backseat pulls him back by his ankles and Lin's arms burn as he is dragged back across the cruddy carpet of the old taxi.

Lin locks eyes with his captor trying to be defiant even though he's about to pass out from pure fear, and he tries to glare- he doesn't want these people to see that he's terrified, he's an actor, he can pretend, but his abductors can probably see right through it.

Then finally he recognizes the man he's staring at. He has that scar on his chin, the fan, 'Ross'. And now that he recognizes him, Lin thinks about all the times he has seen this man even before two days ago.

This must've been planned for a long fucking time.

Something inside Lin crumples as he sees another needle being pulled from the bag, and Ross leans down pulling Lin's left arm up- there's a line of dry blood from where he put the needle before. Lin fights and kicks but Ross is unaffected as he easily slides the needle into Lin's vein again. Lin's eyes tear up as a sob rips from his throat, and just like that Ross pulls the needle from his arm, grinning, "It's done, hopefully this'll be more efficient." He says to both his colleague and Lin, smirking.

After a few moments Lin's eyes begin to roll back into his head, his vision fuzzy as the blanket is pulled over him again, the thin material concealing him from the rest of the world.


The last thought that goes through his head before the void of unconsciousness engulfs him again.

Vote, comment, follow! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it's super long- just got into the mood to write and this happened lol.

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