Chapter 14

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The next few minutes are a blur.

Vanessa's world tunnels in on Lin, and Lin alone.

She vaguely registers Jon moving in on James without hesitation as she bears Lin's full weight, slumping against her.

She slowly lowers him to the ground, carefully placing his head in her lap before she presses her hands over the bullet wound in Lin's side.

Lin flinches, choking on a groan as he screws his eyes shut in pain.

She hears sirens in the distance, and she knows help is close.

"Lin, look at me, ok? Stay awake." Vanessa says as calmly as she can, giving Lin a small smile as he opens his eyes.

Lin tries to take a deep breath, stutters; a small trail of blood flows from his mouth.

"Tell Sebastian that daddy loves him." Lin whispers, and Vanessa's chest burns.

"No. I won't. I won't because you're going to tell him that." Vanessa replies, feeling a tear escape her eye as the sirens grow louder, flashing lights dancing over them.

She hears tires screech and yelling, lots of yelling.

But none of it matters, none of it makes it through the fog of her mind.

Vanessa feels a hand on her shoulder, looks up into Jon's eyes.

"Vanessa, you need to let these people do their job now."

His voice is muffled, and she wildly looks around, sees James being pushed into a police car, sees paramedics standing above them.

She clutches on to Lin tighter, unsure of why she can't move.

Jon wraps his arms under hers, has to physically pry her off to let the paramedics rush him onto a stretcher.

Vanessa fights against Jon, tears streaming down her face, "Let me go with him!! Please!"

A man comes to stand in front of her, empathetic, tells her that it might not be a good idea.

Vanessa watches helplessly, weak, as Lin is rolled into the ambulance, and just before the doors close he mouths to her, "I love you"


Vanessa stays in the dreary hospital all night with Jon, with no word or update.

There are hundreds of news stations and reporters standing outside, just waiting for any bait they can take and run away with.

Vanessa says nothing. Does nothing. Remains in the chair Jon placed her in when they first arrived. The silence is comforting, the hand entwined with hers is reassuring.

But he's not Lin.


It's three AM when a doctor emerges into the lobby, weary and tired.

By this time Lin's family has arrived, and they stand alongside Vanessa and Jon as the doctor approaches.

"No, please, sit down." He says, and sits down in the chair next to Vanessa.

He pauses for a moment, then sighs.

"It's not looking good. I suggest you all should start to say your goodbyes."


Vanessa stands by the door of the room, the last one to say her goodbye.

The room is silent, only the constant, monotone beeping of the heart monitor breaking through the air.

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