Chapter 2

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*Too many emotions... Lin, Pippa, Leslie, and Ariana gone tonight don'T LOOK AT ME*

The shows go great all day, and by the end of the night, Lin is physically and mentally exhausted. He changes out of his costume and just waits patiently for another hour or two, sitting in his room twittering with music playing.

When Lin finally gets up, he makes his way through the familiar halls he's walked so many times and to the stage, thankfully only bumping into one other person on his way.

He walks onto the stage he's been on hundreds of times before, and looks up into the countless empty seats before him. He pulls out his phone and texts Vanessa that he'll be home late tonight, and then turns off his phone, putting it in his pocket.

Lin sits in the middle of the stage, crossing his legs before laying back, the cool floor refreshing against his skin. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, smiling- he wants a quiet moment alone with the theater that has given him so much.


Two days go by insanely fast, and before he knows it, he's taking his final bow as Hamilton. The applause lasts and the orchestra plays music from The West Wing and Lin's chest feels incredibly overwhelmed by all the emotions he's feeling. When he walks off stage with Leslie and Pippa, he glances over his shoulder one last time, reminding himself that he'll return to this role again.

Within the next hour Lin is sitting in a chair ready to cut off all his hair- and he does. It's a bitter sweet moment, but he feels light and relieved, telling the person cutting his hair "Just a bit shorter."

When that's all finished he stands and pulls his phone out of his pocket. Lin has tons of notifications but notices one in particular- a missed call from Jon. Jon wanted to be there for Lin tonight more than anything, but couldn't, he was away for a job.

"I have to step outside for a minute," he tells everyone in the room, making his way out.

He puts his phone back in his pocket and walks through a few halls greeting people as they pass him, and finds his way to a door he knows that leads to an alley, and he cautiously steps outside, seeing no one around except for a taxi parked down further in the alley.

He props the door open with a bucket that was laying outside on the ground. Just as Lin turns back around, he is suddenly and violently wrenched to the side by strong hands, a black cloth thrown over his head.

Lin begins to yell and fight as he's dragged further away in pure terror and confusion- to where? He has no idea. How many hands are there? He doesn't know that either, but it feels like there are at least two pairs as he's being pulled.

He rips his left arm free for a moment and hurriedly reaches for his phone in his back pocket, pulling it free only to have it hit out of his hand. "Don't hurt him." A deep voice growls from above, and Lin thinks bitterly that that order has already been broken as a pain blossoms in his shoulders as he's suddenly dropped to the ground.

Lin struggles to his knees as he continues to yell for help, for anyone to come. He tries to get up but an arm wraps its way across his throat, and he's trapped against the chest of the person behind him. Lin grapples with the man holding him, but he is too strong and Lin is lifted slightly off the ground as the man leans back.

This can't be happening to me, this can't be happening to me. I need to get back to the theater. I need to get help. I need to get away. How can no one hear me?

Lin thinks to himself in an absolute panic, his racing heartbeat loud in his ears and his lungs burn for more air than possible- the arm around his throat isn't quite choking him, but isn't quite allowing enough air, either.

The cloth over his head inches up a little in his struggle and he sees through the sliver the man in front of him pulling the cap off a needle, and that's when Lin really panics.

"Please, stop! What do you need?! What do you need?! Help-" He yells, and suddenly a hand is clamped over his mouth, the man behind him whispering a hissed "Shhh."

The man in front of him laughs and holds Lin's left arm still, inserting the needle into his vein, "We only need you." He says as he pushes the liquid into Lin's body.

When the man's hand releases Lin's arm, a small trail of blood oozes out and down his arm.

Lin pays no attention to the blood as he pulls and claws at the arms around his throat and mouth, continuing to scream and kick, but his efforts are useless as his body begins to slow and go numb.

As Lin's vision blurs and becomes darker, he can see through the small sliver from where the hood inched up that the man in front of him has a scar on his chin.

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