Chapter 8

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Lin doesn't stop running.

His legs are burning- he's pretty sure the wound opened back up -and his lungs scream for air as he runs through the woods, stumbling over roots and swerving around trees.

His arms are continuously getting scratched from the leaves and branches hitting him as he runs quickly through them.

The trees leave as quickly as they came, and Lin comes to a clearing, stopping for a moment to catch his breath as he looks wildly around.

The moon reflects off the river in front of him, and there is no one in sight.

"Fuck!" He yells out loud, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Lin knows that he'll have to swim across, the river continues on for what looks like miles in both directions.

Lin sprints forward, wasting no time in rushing into the freezing water. When it gets to his knees he slips on the smooth rocks, and just now realizes how strong the current is.

Lin makes his way further into the dark water, and as soon as his feet don't reach anymore he is sucked under the water. 

Lin struggles back to the surface, the piercing cold slowing him down even further.

Lin shakes his hair out of his eyes and swims forward, now halfway across the river. His lungs and body are telling him to stop, to rest, but his racing heart  and fear-run adrenaline keep him going.

When Lin's feet reach the slippery ground again he almost sobs from relief.

Lin hurries to the rocky shore, and when he reaches it he collapses down, his chest heaving, for a moment he's actually afraid he'll die of a heart attack his chest hurts so bad.

Lin tries to stand up but his legs are like jello, and he falls to the ground again. Lin grits his teeth in frustration, and his vision flashes black for a moment.

Lin rests for a few moments, doesn't want to pass out again, and when he thinks he's ready he stands up, off balance and swaying a bit.

Lin takes a deep breath, and begins running towards the road.

There are no cars in sight, but Lin thinks he can see the lights of the town in the distance, and it gives him hope.

Lin keeps glancing over his shoulder to see if there's a car coming as he runs. Lin's uncontrollably shaking and his whole body is in pain in one way or another.

Lin glances behind once more, and sees headlights in the distance.

"Holy shit, oh my god," Lin can't believe his eyes, and he steps out into the middle of the road.

Lin begins waving his arms as the car approaches, "Hey!" He screams, walking forward.

The car slows to a stop in front of him, and Lin smiles, laughing as he limps over to the driver's side.

"Hi, I'm so sorry, but can you please-" Lin stops, his breath hitching as the window rolls down, revealing Ross.

Lin backs up in shock, shaking his head. "You lied." He whispers, and Ross laughs, James and Robert laughing along.

"Get in the car, Lin." James says from the passenger seat, nodding his head towards the back.

Lin doesn't waste another moment and takes off towards the town.

James laughs, "Eh, it was worth a try."

Lin has never run so fast in his entire life, and he can hear the car right behind him. The town is in sight, just another mile or so-

The car speeds past him and turns, drifting to an abrupt stop directly in front of Lin.

Lin pushes off the car's hood and runs into the woods on the side of the road, jumping over a log on his way.

He doesn't look behind him, but he knows that they are following him. Lin turns direction again and runs towards the town, towards help. Hope.

"Come on," Lin says to himself as he feels his legs wanting to give out. He glances over his shoulder, but he doesn't see any of them. He thinks he's beat them, feeling a sense of pride growing.

Lin turns his head back around and he runs straight into a low branch. The force of it knocks him backwards, and Lin groans in pain, shutting his eyes as he holds his aching head in his hands.

"Should've watched where you were going, Linny." James' voice sneers from above, and Lin opens his eyes slowly, looking up at the three men looming above him.

"Go ahead." James says, beginning to walk away as Robert grabs his legs and Ross grabs his arms.

Lin fights, weak and exhausted, trying to kick his legs out of the Robert's grasp, "Fuck off!" He says, but his voice betrays him and it sounds pathetic even to his own ears.

"Just let it happen." Robert coos, and Lin wants to throw up at the ease of his voice, at how no regret lives in his tone.

Lin doesn't stop though, won't give them the satisfaction. Lin starts yelling, yelling for anyone who might be near. He stares up as the canopy of the woods turns into a view of the clear night sky, the stars shining brightly.

He wonders if Vanessa is looking up at the stars too.

Lin is suddenly dropped right next to the car, and James squats in front of him as Lin sits up, wrapping his large hand aggressively around his throat.

Lin's breath is completely cut off and his chest heaves as he grabs at James' arms. James smirks at Lin's struggle, and Lin realizes just how dead James' eyes are, nothing human remaining there.

James watches as Lin's eyes grow wide with fear and realization he could die at the hands of this man, in the middle of this road in the middle of fucking nowhere.

James releases him and Lin falls forward, gasping for air, and James laughs.

"Put him in the back." James says, walking to the passenger side.

Lin is too busy focussing on learning to breathe again to realize Robert has walked up to him. 

Robert connects his foot with Lin's face, and Lin accepts the comfort of unconsciousness.


Vanessa is busy making herself food, left her phone on the couch while she does so.

Vanessa sets her food down on the kitchen table, and then retreats to her bedroom, their bedroom.

Vanessa enters their closet, and runs her hand over Lin's clothes. She finds what she's looking for easily, and pulls the grey sweater off its hanger.

As she walks out of their bedroom, Vanessa slowly pulls the sweater over her head, and puts it on. It smells just like him, and Vanessa pauses on the stairs for a moment, tears threatening to spill.

Vanessa continues down the stairs, trying to keep herself together, and grabs her phone in the living room before going to sit at the table.

She checks her notifications quick, and then sees that she received an email from someone she doesn't recognize about 25 minutes ago.

Vanessa knits her eyebrows together as she opens it and clicks on the video with a black cover.

She sets her phone down to watch it as she picks up her glass of water.

She watches the screen carefully, and then the black is gone, and Lin is sitting in a chair with a masked man behind him.

Vanessa's whole world stops, the glass falling from her hand to shatter on the floor.

"Vanessa, as you can see, we have your husband."

VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW!! Two updates in one day! Hope you all enjoy<3

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