Talk About Fate

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Hello guys! :) Ive, been writing this story for awhile now and i have a few chapters completed already, so updates will be frequent :)

I really hope you enjoy this story and please let me know what you think of it!

Photo of Jace ---->


This large room was really starting to look familiar to me now. From my chair, I glanced around nonchalantly taking in my surroundings for the umpteenth time this semester.

To my far right was a bookcase, a bookcase so large that it took up the whole wall. It was filled with classic hard backed books of the basic reds, green, blues and browns. The spines were facing towards me showing me that their titles where written in gold lettering.

Behind me was the wide wooden door that I entered from, along with three filing cabinets filled, with what I presume was important information and paperwork. There was the faint, yet deep sounding tick tock of the old grandfather clock in the corner.

To my left was a breath-taking sight. A wall completely made of glass that showed the RedWood forest and reflected the room making it look twice as large. Breathing in I could smell the light aroma of pine and coffee.

Finally, I decided I have prolonged this inevitable speech as long as I could and faced the front of the room. Slouching down in my chair, folding my arms across my chest and raised an eyebrow to face the stern, red faced middle aged man facing me. Mr. Matthews, other wise know as the principle of Old Oak High.

He sighed and rubbed his hand down his face in a tired gesture. It was silent apart from the tick tock of the grandfather clock and the whiring of the fan turning above my head giving slight relief through the thick heat that surrounded us.

“Mr. Goodyear-” He began, sounding stressed. I quickly cut him off.

“Why, sir! Haven’t we done this enough times to be on first name basis?” I said sarcastically, smirking.

I watched amused as Mr. Matthews face grew a more deeper red and sweat beads appeared on his forehead, while his hand clenched into a fist - these, were all signs of him trying to hold back from getting angry. Trust me, I would know.

“Jace.” He finally gave in. “It has come to my attention that,” he glanced down at the ever growing file in front of him “You are not present in any of your Tuesday afternoon classes and every last period of the week, except for Wednesdays.” He shakes his head “What do you call that?”

I paused, pretending to think briefly, “Consistent?” I try, fake innocence. Mr. Matthews visibly shakes in frustration. Huh. And I heard he was well known about the school for his calm temperament. I guess I bring out the bad side in him.

“No, Jace!” He yelled slamming his hand down on his expensive wooden desk “It does not mean consistent. It means laziness! You set off a bad example towards the younger school, you only seem to try hard in one class and by not attending class it is bringing your grades down!” I stayed silent, just watching him take a deep breathe before continuing, “Look, Jace. I know you’re a good pupil. I know you have the talent and the ability to try and do well in your classes.” but before I could reply or for him to continue, Mrs Neeson the school’s secretary knocked and entered.

She was a kind hearted women in her early fifties, who would always wear hand - made knitted cardigans and have framed pictures of her grandchildren and their artwork (which mainly consisted of stick people and loads of colour) around her desk.

“Excuse me Mr. Matthews, but you are needed to give a speech to the Junior school assembly right now.” she informed him.

“Thank-you Betty.” She nodded, smiled and turned back to her desk letting the door close with a faint clunk.

“Alright Jace. Last warning, and I mean last warning. If you don’t pull up at least three of your grades by the end of next semester, I’m going to have to ask you to leave Old Oak High for good.” He commented sadly. I nodded, I always knew this was coming.

Surprisingly though, we still shook hands and walked over to the exit, the plush cream carpet masking our footfalls.

The school was empty, considering it was forty-five minutes after the usual school time. I sighed sticking my hands in my pockets and walked towards the schools exit.

Leaning against my black ford pickup truck, was my best friend Adam Wallace. As I got closer to him, I felt the rain start to fall, cold drops pelting my skin.

“Hey man.” We fist bumped “The old man finally chuck you out yet?” He smirked. I laughed, “Nah, I’m on ‘my last warning’ though.” I said using my fingers to create quotes.

I groaned, “Dude, I really need to step it up. I can’t afford to get chucked out.” Adam looked at my sympathetically, he knew all about why I had to skip class. I glanced down at my watch and froze Oh no! I ran around to the drivers side and jumped in.

Adam seemed to get the idea and climbed in the passenger side quickly. I started the engine and drove fast, worrying all the way as I just know im going to get into trouble for the second time today.

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