Chapter Eight.

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      After blowing the candles, I stood at the large window of the room, my silhouette appearing repeatedly for brief periods of time from the flashes of lightening. I folded my arms and leaned against the wall as I watched the rain pour and sighed. Who knew that this day would turn out so … amazing? Life-changing? I smiled to myself as I thought of our first meeting again.

     I looked over at the beautiful girl sleeping peacefully on the sofa. Her wonderful sent filled up the room. I closed the curtains and was making my way over to my baby when I heard a sniffle coming from the doorway.

     “Jay.” A tiny voice called to me, “I’m scared.” He sniffed again. I walked over to him and picked him up settling him on my hip, my heart was once again given away for the second time today as I watched this small boy rub his eyes, one arm tightly around my neck and the other clinging to an old brown bear.

     “Hey, buddy. Not a big fan of storms huh?” I whispered as I ruffled his hair. He shook his head and buried his face in my neck as thunder cracked and lightening flashed. “Me neither, do you wanna stay down here with me and your mamma?” It felt strange calling Anna his parent, when in reality it was his sister, but, she is in every other sense of the word, a ‘mamma’ by the way she loves him and looks after him.

I twisted us around to look at Anna sleeping peacefully on the sofa, her hair sprawled messily on the pillows but that just made her more real, more beautiful. “Looks like there’s a little room for one more.” I told Declan teasingly.

I set him down on the floor for a second as I climbed in behind Anna, she shuffled in her sleep moving so that she was lying on her side with her head was lying on my chest and her arm slung around my stomach. It felt right. I stroked her hair softly before looking up at Declan who was smiling at us like he knew something, I shook it off. I held out my other arm that wasn’t wrapped comfortably around Anna for him which he ran to me, jumping into my me and snuggling in to my neck as he moved Anna’s arm over him as I wrapped the blanket over the three of us. Right now, I felt more than complete.



     I woke up after the most comfortable sleep I can remember. I groaned and hugged the pillow tighter to me. I felt it lift up and then lie still again, with the occasional rise. Confused I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes.

     “Aww.” I breathed lightly at the sight before me. Jace had moved the arm that was around me to wrap it unconsciously around Declan, pulling him closer as Dec had his arms sprawled over Jace’s chest, clutching his top.

     I chuckled to myself and untangled myself from the blanket and standing up before wrapping the blanket over the two of them again.

      After gazing at the most important thing in my life and the person quickly making his way to my heart sleeping adorably together, making my heart melt, I made my way into the kitchen to make breakfast for us.



     “Jay!” I felt a small fist hit my chest “Jaaaay! Mamma said to get you up!” This time the little hand landed on my cheek, making sure I woke up.

     I sat up and looked at a smiling Declan. “Hey Buddy.” Ignoring the dull pain on my cheekbone, the little guy can hit.

     Declan took my hand and led me to the kitchen, chatting animatedly about his “mamma’s yummy homemade choc chip pancakes”.  As we walked into the kitchen, my breath caught in my throat.

     Anna had her hair piled up on her head with lose curls hanging around her face. She had a lose navy button up top tucked into her high waist jeans. To me she looked beautiful. Hearing us entering the kitchen she stopped from washing dishes and turned around to look at us, grinning at Declan and I’s joined hands and with amusement in her eyes.

     “You guys are becoming fast friends huh?” She laughed. Dec nodded enthusiastically swinging our hands together “Uh-huh, Jay is my bestest friend in the whole wide world.” He said letting go of my hand to stretch his arms wide, showing, I presume, how “wide” the whole world was. Surprisingly, I felt a tug at my heart as I looked down at the little boy, who was now hugging my leg.

     Anna smiled softly, “Okay honey, go get your shoes on before we’re late.”  Both of us turned to the hallway, before I caught myself on and turned around pretending I knew she was talking to her brother. As I turned around though, I caught a glimpse of her grin and heard her chuckle as she turned around to finish drying the dishes.

     I stretched and realised that my muscles were starting to become stiff. This usually happens when I haven’t ran in my wolf form for a long time. Thinking back, it has been up to around two months since my last run. I knew of I didn’t run soon my wolf would become slightly restless. My best bet would be to go out and run for an hour or two and then I’m fine for another couple of weeks to spend with my Angel.

     “Hey, um, I’m sorry but I gotta be on my way. Mom was starting to get worried on the phone last night.” I said, rubbing the back of neck nervously after putting on my shoes at the table. But I had no reason to be. Anna smiled at me understandingly, thought somewhat sadly “That’s fine Jace. I have to take Dec to meet his new teacher in about-” She looked at her watch “forty-five minutes.”

     I walked over to her as she dried her hands on a tea-towel, she watched me. “You can take my car for today. I can go back for your car and fix it up right, I didn’t really have time with all that rain goin’ on.” I smirked and she laughed.

     “Are you sure? I don’t want to hold you back from your day.” Anna said nervously, biting her lip. Impulsively I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around her waist, she stiffened but just before I could let embarrassment set in, she relaxed and wrapped her arms around me too, relaxing into me. I smiled as I rested my chin on her head.

     “Of course it’s okay! My best-” I paused thinking of Declan. “My other best friend Adam and I fix cars in our spare time so it shouldn’t take long to get your car back to you.” 

     “Thank you Jace.” She whispered gratefully pulling away, I let her go reluctantly.

     “I’ll go say goodbye to Declan and then I’ll head out. “See you later?” I asked trying to disguise the hopefulness in my voice. Anna saw through it of course and grinned at me “I’d like that.”


Hey guys! Im so sorry it's taken me awhile to upload :( But I hope this one is longer for you :) I promise it'll get far more interesting after this :D This chapter is more of a filler, you could say haha.


k xo

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