Chapter Five.

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I watched speechless as Jace carried my heavy shopping bags effortlessly into his own truck.

Dec, snuggled closer to me as we both felt cold rain drops landing in our hair. I pulled Declan’s coat hood up gently, trying not to disturb his nap.

By this time, Jace had finished packing away our stuff and motioned for me to get in the car, as the rain started to get heavier, pelting down on our skin. I hurried and put Dec’s car seat into the other car and strapped him in before climbing in the passenger seat and putting on my seatbelt. His car smelt faintly like the woods and warmth. I felt comforted by it.

It was then that I noticed that Jace wasn’t in the car with us. I glanced out the window to see that he was bent over the engine of my car, moving different pieces around with a look of concentration on his face.

For the next thirty seconds I watched him, touched. I have never meet any other person who has ever done anything so important for me without me asking. Snapping out of my revere I wound the window down quickly sticking my head out to try and stop the rain from getting inside the car.

“Jace!” I called, he stopped and looked over at me as if he had forgotten where he was “Don’t worry about it. We’ll just have to leave the car here, I’ll come and collect it tomorrow while Declan is away.”

He nodded bringing his head out from under the bonnet and closing it. I wound up the window as he ran around the car past the front window to get into the drivers side I couldn’t help notice how his now soaking red t-shirt was clinging to well developed muscles.

Jace climbed into the car and closed the door with a dull ‘clunk’. “So.” He grinned at me happily, “Where to?” I laughed lightly at his goofy grin and told him my address. He nodded knowing the area and proceeded to drive his car out of the car park.

“So, where is Declan going tomorrow?” he asked curiously. I glanced at him before relaxing into the seat, trying to get comfortable. I sighed, and then decided I could tell him. “I don’t know the place very well. My uncle, came to visit last week for a couple of days and we were looking at possible education places for Dec because he’s getting to that age now. My uncle recommended a small school, as he knows the woman who takes it. I trust his opinion so much, so I decided to give it a go. Tomorrow, I’m going to take Declan to see it, he’ll spend the day there and if he likes it he can stay.” I smiled to myself, “My uncle has already told his friend all about Dec, so he pretty much has a guaranteed spot there.” I told Jace proudly.

Sensing my tone he smiled a genuine smile in my direction “That’s great Anna.” He replied as he stopped the car “Declan seems like a bright kid.” I nodded, proud of my little brother. I realised that we had stopped and looked out the window to see that Jace was already parked in my driveway, I was surprised, it was at least forty-five minuets from that supermarket.

Wow. I don’t even notice time passing when I’m him. The rain was falling heavier now, and I was pretty sure I could hear thunder in the distance. I looked at his clock and seen that it was only 8:36pm.

I started shivering and I wasn’t out in the rain for that long at all. I panicked and looked over at Jace when I realised that he was still soaking. “Sorry about the heater not working.” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, when he seen me shiver “I’m in the process of getting it fixed.”

I stared at him in amazement, wasn’t he cold? Just as I was about to ask him Declan stirred in his sleep, I guess his nap is over. “Thank you Jace, for taking us home, I really appreciate it.” I smiled thankfully at him.

To my surprise a faint red colour swept his cheek bones. Was he blushing? I couldn’t help but smile slightly to myself, that was so cute. “It’s fine. Here, let me help you bring your bags in and you can carry Dec?”

“Thanks.” I replied nodding at him. We both got out of the car and I got my little brother out of his car seat and ran under the porch and fiddled in my jean pocket looking for my keys.

Once I found them I quickly unlocked the door and went inside setting Declan down and taking off his coat and giving him a kiss on his forehead. “I love you mamma.” He said sleepily. I smiled “love you too, baby.”

Just then Jace came jogging in, with all of my shopping on both arms. “Shall I put these in the kitchen?” he asked. Still in shock of the weight he was carrying effortlessly I nodded.

I closed the door and followed him into the kitchen, where Dec was sitting swinging his legs of the chair looking excited.

“Thank you so much Jace!” I gushed, and impulsively hugged him. Immediately I felt sparks flow through my body. They intensified when surprisingly he wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me closer to him. I sighed mentally, happy.

I didn’t realise how long we were standing there before my top began to get soaked quickly. I reluctantly pulled away and looked up at Jace his hair was sticking up where he ran his fingers through it. It was dripping water from the ends but he still wasn’t shivering.

“Mamma!” I looked over to Dec “Can we make my birftday cakes now pleasee?” He whined while making a puppy dog face and bouncing over to me. I laughed along with Jace. “Okay, sweetie. Go wash your hands first.” I ordered.

I tilted my head back as I looked my at Jace, he smiled now at me “Uh, this might not be acceptable, but um, would you like to use our shower? I have some spare clean clothes for you, of my uncles here if you want to borrow them too?” I smiled nervously at him.

His eyes softened and he looked incredible happy and smug? Before I could ask cut in “I’d love to, I’m starting to get a little cold.” He laughed. He looked down and grinned. I followed his gaze to see that that Dec was tugging on his leg.

“Would you like to make my birftday cakes with me and mamma?” he looked at Jace with wide eyes. I was silently shocked, since when did Dec ever act like this towards other people? Especially other guys? This was the second time Dec has surprised me by welcoming Jace. “Of course, buddy!” He ruffled De’s hair “That is, if its okay with your mamma?” They both looked at me with identical pleading looks on their faces.

“Okay, fine!” I rolled my eyes, giving in playfully. They high fived each other and went their separate ways, Jace to the shower, while Dec and I went to get the baking supplies ready.

I glanced out the window to see heavy continuous drops rapidly hitting the glass of the window. Looks like there will be a storm tonight, I wonder if I should invite Jace to stay overnight? The driving conditions would be horrific tonight. Proving my point a rumble of thunder was heard in the distance followed by flash of lightening.


Hey! sorry guys, I know I said I would upload on friday, im a bit late :( But i promise to upload real soon during the week to make up for it :D

Im not too happy with this chapter, but I hope you guys like it! :D

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