Chapter Eleven

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Hello! Please read and enjoy! This chapter is more of a filler but its better than nothing right?:)

Chapter Eleven

Declan smiled shyly and held out his hand, “Hello, my name is Declan but mommy calls me Dec and I turned five years old tomorrow.” He stated proudly.

I quickly kneeled down beside him, put my arm around his shoulders and whispered “Declan, honey, I think you mean you turned five years old yesterday.”  He looked at me and leaned into my embrace a little further. He nodded and looked at Emily “Right.”

Emily grinned and shook his hand gently, “It’s very nice to meet you Declan. Would you like to go and play with the other children while I talk to your mommy?” He looked at me worriedly but I could tell he was curious about the other children his age who seem to be having fun chasing the male I heard Emily call ‘Adam’ around the large garden, which we could see through the wall of glass.

Still on my knees I brought Declan in front of me so I could see his face. I ran my hand through his hair soothingly. “It’s alright baby. I’ll still be here when you get back.” I smiled, what I hoped was reassuringly at him while inside I was just as, if more nervous than he was.

I mean, what if the other children didn’t like him? Would he make friends? Would he be happy? I took a deep breath and looked my brother in the eyes and smiled more genuinely, who couldn’t like him?

“Promise mamma?” He hugged me. I laughed ruffling his hair, “I promise.”

He looked at me still unsure. Suddenly the door opened and a little girl came running in smiling as she ran past us.

Suddenly she stopped and spun around grinning, I’m not sure but I thought for just a second, she sniffed the air around me. Then she made her way over to where myself and Declan were, smiling excitedly.

“Hi! I’m Lucy.” She said excitedly looking at Declan who was looking at her curiously.

“I’m Declan.” He smiled shyly.

She held out her hand and he took it hesitantly. “Would you like to come outside and play with me?”

Again, Declan looked at me for reassurance and I smiled and nodded at him. Turning to Lucy he grinned “Sure.” Then, hand in hand, they ran out of the room together into the garden.

I slowly got back to my feet as I watched my brother become surrounded with the other children and laugh.

I smiled softly it looks like Declan was already getting along great with the other children.

“Anna Cotton, right?”  I turned to Emily, smiled and nodded. She then smiled excitedly and pulled me into a fierce hug.

 “Oh, it’s so good to see you again! You look just like your mother.” She pulled back slightly “But you have your fathers’ eyes.”

I looked at her confused before glancing at my uncle Troy, who suddenly looked panicked.

“Um, I’m sorry. How did you know my parents?” I asked her. I looked at her closely; sure she defiantly looked familiar, although I couldn’t place her face.

 “Oh, well - ” She began, but was cut off by Troy.

“Emily! Why don’t we invite Anna and Declan to dinner this evening? It will give them both time to get to know you and see the class more.” He looked towards me now, “What do you say Anna?”

I hesitated and glanced out the window to where Declan was. I smiled when I seen them all playing Hide and Seek.

I turned back to Emily “I would love to.” I smiled “If you have room for two extra?”

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