Chapter Nine.

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Hello my beautiful readers!:D

*Hides behind something huge and protective*

I am so so so so sorry about not writing in months!:O My internet failed completly and no matter who I took it too it would not fix :(

sooo ... ive stolen my brothers laptop real quick to write and post this! I hope you enjoy!






After waving to Declans’ excited face from the living room window, I turned around in the drive way and started a slow jog down the street where the road disappears into East side of RedWood forest.

Once in the cover of the trees I started to sprint getting faster and faster then launching my body into the air, landing of four russet coloured paws.

Ouch.  I shook my back left paw. I really need to start learning to take my shoes off before I jump. It’s so uncomfortable when transforming.

I arrived at the pack house about three minutes later. I spotted Lucy sitting outside under the oak tree reading yet another book.

I chuckled to myself, out of all the children Lucy and I are the closest, she’s just like my little sister.  I ducked behind the rose bushes that framed the outside of our lawn. Sneaking around the garden and closer to the oak tree ready to playfully pounce on her.

            I jumped out of the bushes with a growl landing on spot were Lucy was sitting. Confused when I didn’t see her around I twirled around in a circle searching for her. I stopped suddenly and huffed.

            How did I miss her?!

            Suddenly a light weight fell on my back from the oak tree, the shock making my fall on my belly. I heard a tiny feminine giggle near my ears and I laughed, realizing that it must have sounded weird in my wolf form.

            “Where were you all day Jay?” Lucy whined making me think of the perfect time I had with my girl and her little brother. “I missed you!”  This made me turn my head and look at her sad brown eyes looking at me.

            I nudged her forehead with my snout and licked her face from her jaw to her hairline. “Ewww! Jay!” she said rubbing her face with her sleeve.

            I barked and because of my large size I rolled over and pinned her to the ground gently before lifting her squealing by the back of her dress up to the front porch. “Jay!” She laughed trying to wriggle away from me.

            I set her down on the porch gently and nudged her leg towards the front door. She turned around to me fixing her reading glasses that were lying askew on her face and glared playfully at me.

             I sat on the step as she stood up and put her hands on her hips and stamped her little foot. “Fine. I’ll get you your clothes now then shall I?” She turned on her heal and ran into the house to get me what I needed. I barked loudly as she paused and turned around at the door “Yeah, yeah. Your welcome.” She giggled.

            I rolled my eyes at her playfully at her temper. 


Once I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt I sat at in my kitchen eating a bowl of cornflakes as I tried not to look at my mom who was opposite me, leaning on the breakfast counter, staring at me over her mug of coffee with big smiles and the occasional twitch of her eye. A tell tale sign that she was keeping her ever growing excitement to herself.

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