Chapter Twelve

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Hello! Sorry for the late upload, I was away on holiday and only on arrical discovered there was no internet! :O Never fear though! I have just typed this up this evening, so apologies for errors! I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and promise the next one will be longer :)

This story is dedicated to this person because when I had writers block awhile back she just popped up on chat and we talked about all things random! So she helped me out a lot haha. Check out her stories, shes a really cool person! :)

Chapter Twelve


            I sighed softly, slowly awakening from my dreams. The strengthening, early morning sunlight seemed to be shining directly on my fur, broken only by the light whisps of wind ruffling my coat.

            With my eyes still closed, I arched my back and stretched my front legs and paws in front of me.  Suddenly, I heard the faint unlocking of a door and the light squeak of it being pulled open.

            My eyes snapped open and I was rewarded with a beautiful sight. Anna was dressed in jeans, vest top and cardigan. She was carrying out the garbage with a towel wrapped around her head, which told me that she is just out of the shower. Declan suddenly ran out of the house, squealing excitedly as he ran over to a patch of the garden by the side of the house that showed what looked to be vegetables growing there.

            “Mamma! Look, look!” He jumped up and down, his eyes wide with wonderment. He ran over to Anna, grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the vegetable patch. “Come and see!”

            Anna laughed at his excitement “I can see them sweetheart.” She sat on the dry grass and he sat on her lap. They talked quietly amongst each other while laughing occasionally at something the other said.

            I realized then that I had stayed longer than I was supposed to. I stood up slowly, and tried to back away slowly into the trees without either person knowing I was there.

            Of course, stupidly, I sneezed. There was a pregnant silence that seemed to stretch forever but in reality was probably only a moment. I knew I should be running away, but I had frozen. The curious part of me wanted to see how they reacted to me.

            Declan was the first to react. Of course. I thought as I watched him jump up from Anna’s lap, his eyes wide, faced shocked. Anna was a half a second behind him as she jumped up and pushed Declan behind her legs. He peeked out from behind her and grinned at me.

Not wanting them to be frightened of me I slowly drifted forward, my head lowered and my eyes on them. Suddenly a pain drifted up my back left paw. I stopped and looked down at my injury, there was a tiny thorn stuck in the middle of my paw. I whimpered at the  injury. For being a werewolf, we have a higher pain threshold for broken bones but yet we are brought to tears over a thorn in the paw. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity.

In my distraction I noticed that both Anna and Declan had become closer to me, Anna looking concerned seeming to have heard my whimper.

“Mamma, is he hurt?” He looked like he was going to cry. She glanced down at him and stroked his hair. “Shh, baby. Yes, I think he’s hurt but we have to be careful. We don’t know if he is dangerous.” He looked from her to me and nodded.

Dangerous? I blanched at the word. I mean of course I could be dangerous. But with Anna? With Declan? Heck no!          I scoffed, which I agree must have sounded silly in my present form. Declan giggled at my face and I grinned. He laughed more and so did I, making my tongue loll out and my eyes crinkle.

That’s when I heard the most precious sound, Anna laughing. Her button nose squishes up making her look incredibly cute. I looked from her to Declan, immediately seeing the similarities in their facial expressions when they laugh.

My tail started swinging when I realized that they were no longer afraid of me. Anna, who had calmed a little from laughing at me, stretched out her hand cautiously towards me.

Knowing how important this moment was for both of us, I kept very still and let her stroke my fur on my head. Once her hand made contact with me, bursts of tingling energy flowed through my body. I have never felt anything like this. It felt comforting.

Not for the first time I had to hold myself back from transforming back to my human body and mating with her. The comfort continued as I closed my eyes, and purred moving slightly closer into her touch. I opened my eyes to see her staring at me curiously, her head slightly tilted to the side. Can it be? Does she recognize me?

Suddenly I was attacked by an enthusiastic hug. I looked down to see a pair of large brown eyes laughing up at me. “Can we keep him mamma? Please, please can we? I pwomise to take him walkies everyday!” Declan pleaded with his sister.

She looked from me to him, then back to me again. She bit her lip, making me groan and close my eyes, counting back from fifty to keep myself under control. “I don’t know honey. He’s a wolf, and they like to live in the forest. You know, with his own mommy and daddy.” She tried to reason with him.

His lower lip trembled but he shook his head, understanding. I saw the heartbroken look of my mate when she realized she couldn’t give her little brother what he wanted to make him happy. Declan looked at the ground and sniffed, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. “Yeah, I guess so.” He whispered.

“Oh, sweetheart-” but before she could finish her sentence I liked Declan’s face from jawline to temple. He looked at me shocked as I barked at him softly. Then he grinned as I nudged his arm with my snout, making him fling his little arms around my head and hug me tight, all the while laughing.

I whimpered when I made a sudden move making pain burn in my paw. Declan noticed “Oh, poor doggy! Mamma, please can we keep him until he is better?” He jumped up and down, begging enthusiastically.

I saw Anna smiled slowly at us before finally sighing softly and nodding her head. “But, he has to sleep in the front room. You cannot let him sleep in your bed Dec.” His face fell “I mean it Declan.” She looked at him sternly but I could see the amusement in her eyes. She knows this boy far too well.

He kicked the dirt with his foot but grinned when he realized I would be staying awhile. He jumped in Anna’s arms and she lifted him up on her hip. He hugged her around the neck and sang his thank-you’s. “I’ve already got a name for him!” He grinned cheekily.

At this point I realized what had just happened. I had been found in wolf form by my mate and her brother, who both actually think I’m a wolf and have allowed them to take me in as their pet.

“Oh you do, huh?” She grinned at him before laughing “Well, what is it?”

But before Dec could reply a sleek silver car pulled up on Anna’s driveway. We turned to see Adam getting out of the car. Wait. What’s Adam doing here?

            He seen us and waved before jogging over to the place we were at. He grinned at Declan “Hey, little guy!” He then gave a friendly one armed hug to Anna who laughed. Seeing this made be become jealous at how comfortable she was with Adam already. I wonder how they got to know each other.

            He looked in my direction. And then did a double take. He stared at me, eyes wide and mouth wide open. I glared at him, warning him not to say anything. Thankfully he seemed to understand and nodded subtly. But I could see the laughter in his eyes and the corners of his mouth tilt up in a desperate attempt not to laugh.

            “So uh, when did you guys get a dog?” He said. Declan clapped his hands gleefully and stated “Today!" I waited with my breathe held as I was about to  be named by this five year old boy.

Please be a manly name, kid. Like Butch or Max even.

"This is my doggy and his name is Slinky. You know, from Toy Story?” That was the icing on the cake and Adam roared with laughter.

Im never going to be able to live this down.

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