Chapter Seven.

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Hello:) I am so so so sorry! I ment to update faaar sooner than this but my internet has crashed. I hoped to get it up before Christmas but it wasnt for happening "/ So I am now uploading this on my Grandmamma's laptop ... yes, my grandmamma has a laptop :P Im not too happy with this chapter but i hope you enjoy it!!

I have already written most of Chapter eight so I hope it wont be long until I unload ... hopefully before New Years :D

So here it is Chapter Seven! read and Enjoy! :D



Fan? :D




     I tucked my little brother cosily into his Buzzlightyear bed sheets, after he had brushed his teeth. I watched amused as he faintly tried to struggle out of the bed, but exhaustion was quickly winning. I bent to kiss his slightly chubby cheeks, his button nose and forehead teasingly while letting my hair flow over his face lightly, as he giggled, trying to push my hair out of his way. “Stop! Stop it mamma!” He gurgled “It tickles!” I laughed lightly but still pulled back.

     “Did you have a good birthday today Dec?” I asked somewhat nervously. He sat up in his bed and without hesitation wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me down with him as he squirmed closer to my side while I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. “I had the best birftday ever mamma.” He whispered sleepily.

     I stroked his hair away from his forehead gently, “That’s good to hear baby.” I whispered back, while his eyelids became to heavy to hold open. “You get some rest now, you have a big day tomorrow.” I said untangling myself and tucking him into bed once more and turned on his moon shaped nightlight. He didn’t answer, he was fast asleep holding a tiny, faded brown bear, a gift bought buy our parents when he was first born.

     Standing at the door, with only the hall light sending a soft glow into the room, I gazed at the sleeping boy. I would be so lost without you, Declan. I thought. Having him around gave me something to wake up to every morning after my parents died. I closed the door behind me and went to my room to get half decent pyjamas on, because something tells me that I really shouldn’t let go of this good-looking, funny, protective boy who was in my kitchen.

     I slowly made my way downstairs, taking necessary deep breaths, as I tried to calm my nerves. I heard a mumbled, one-sided conversation coming from my kitchen letting me know that Jace was on the phone. I stopped outside the kitchen door, not wanting to interrupt, but also extremely curious.

     “- I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Jace’s husky voice said. Then he laughed, “Love you too.” My breath stopped for a beat, and I quietly chided myself for allowing things to get this far. Of course he has a girlfriend! I thought angrily to myself, I feel like such a fool.

     I didn’t notice that I had made my way into the room and Jace had finished his phone call. He turned around and noticing that I was in my nightwear, raked his eyes down my body, smiling slightly and somewhat proudly.

     A small jolt of surprise appeared within me, I cant even remember the last time a guy had looked at me like that. Unfortunately, however, that feeling was quickly replaced with hurt. How could he look at me like that while he has a girlfriend? A girlfriend. I imagine that she is very beautiful too.

     Before I could stop myself I blurted “Was that your girlfriend on the phone?”  I was immediately frustrated with myself for showing him I care, but was too curious to take the question back.

     At first, he looked shocked and taken aback at my outburst. Then followed a small tug at the corner of his lips. Which turned to a smug grin and then quiet laughter, something told me that even at this time he was still being considerate of a sleeping Declan upstairs. This caused a weird reaction within me, I couldn’t decide how I felt when I realised that Jace was looking out for my little brother, he was the first.

     It was only a few seconds when he realised I was not laughing and he immediately sobered up and looked at me in the eyes. “What made you think that?” He asked quietly, he took a step towards me but still kept a polite distance.

     “I - I, um, I just thought, never mind.” I ended quietly, shaking my head suddenly finding the floorboards very interesting. Then, quite suddenly, male feet came into my view. I felt a soft finger under my chin and then my head being tipped up to come face-to-face with deep brown eyes and feeling his warm palm on my cheek. “You have nothing to worry about, the woman I was on the phone with, was my mother.” Jace explained, smiling gently.

     “Oh, oh I see.” I murmured my face heating up. He chuckled, pushing a stray hair away from my face and tucking it behind my ear.


     It was around an hour later that we found ourselves sitting in the living room, with the fire on as the electricity in the house had gone out. Jace and I were on the large sofa him on one side and myself on the other, both our legs were stretched out on the sofa in front of us as we looked at each other, a spare blanket covering our legs.. “I am an only sibling, although my best friend Adam is just like a brother to me, my favourite colour is green and I really dislike peas.” He finished while grinning at me.

     I laughed, we had being talking about each other for around half an hour now and I was happy to know that we had much in common. “Thank-you, for letting me stay the night, I really don’t think I could make it home in that weather.” Jace said gratefully. To prove his point, a roll of thunder sounded, briefly drowning out the fast paced pitter patter of heavy rain drops. “Your welcome, it was the least I could do, since you helped me earlier today.” I smiled at him teasingly before saying “As long as you promise you are not a serial killer …?” He laughed, “I promise.” He replied looking into my eyes and grinning. I blushed.

     We fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the raging storm outside while staying quite cosy inside the house together. I glanced around the room, it did look quite romantic, I mused. With few candles scattered around the room, trying to provide light. “So,” Jace began, taking me out of my thoughts “Where is your boyfriend?” He winced slightly.

     “Boyfriend?” I tilted my head to the side confused “What made you think I had a boyfriend?” he squirmed awkwardly.

     “I just thought that because Declan is your son that-” I laughed, I couldn’t help it. “Jace, Declan isn’t my son, he’s my little brother.” I smiled at him. His face was shocked. “I’m sorry, I just assumed-” I leaned forward and touched his arm. “Don’t worry about it, I’m his legal guardian, ever since my parents died a few years ago.” I whispered.

     Suddenly, I was sitting between his legs, my back to his hard chest, with  his arms tight around me. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered. His concern surprised me but I have never had anyone comfort me before on my parents death, I always had to be strong for Dec, tears started leaking out of my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

     I cried for what seemed hours, all the while Jace held me tightly, stroking my hair and whispering soothing words. I began to feel sleepy, just before I welcomed sleep I seen Jace pull the blanket up over us, to keep us warm and promising to blow out the candles. “Thank-you.” I whispered. I’m not sure, but then I think I felt him kiss my forehead.


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