The Kid

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It was the summer of 1984. I never expected the movie premier to be such a huge turn out. There were crowds of fans everywhere.  This was Prince's first motion picture. He's not even an actor. I was shocked but still so proud of him. I finally sat down inside the theatre and as I was settling down a sparkly flash of purple glistened at the corner of my eye. It was none other than Prince. I quickly got up to hug him. He looked quite overwhelmed. I guess he didn't expect to see such a huge turnout outside the Mann's Chinese theatre. We finally both sat down. "Hey, how you feelin'?" I asked as I rubbed his shoulder. He looked at me and grinned. "I feel fine.  I just can't wait until my fans see this movie". I grabbed his hand. "They'll love it", I assured him. Finally the lights started to dim as the movie began. I was so excited.


Throughout the movie I couldn't help but notice how much the camera loved him. He looked so good in just about every angle. Apollonia was pretty. I haven got a chance to meet her yet. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous during her intimate scenes with Prince.

When we got to the love scene between the two of them, Prince took a few glances at me

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When we got to the love scene between the two of them, Prince took a few glances at me. I pretended not to notice. I finally gave in and looked at him. He had a huge nervous grin on his face. I started to involuntarily smile. We both then looked back at the screen. The way he was caressing her was so sensual. I couldn't help it but live vicariously through her at that moment.

As the storyline in the movie progressed and the relationship of the kid and Apollonia became concrete, the flaws of his father become more apparent in the kid. I did not see that slap coming. From what little I know about Prince's father, I know that he used to physically abuse him as a child. Now I'm worried that perhaps Prince shares that characteristic. Though, I haven't heard anything about him being abusive towards is past girlfriends.

When we got to the scene with him and his father having a one on one convo, it made me think about the relationship he has with his father. In the many conversations we've had in the past, his family is not something we discussed much of. Since this movie is loosely based on his own life, it got me curious to know what parts of this movie truly reflected reality.

As we were half way through the movie, we got to a scene where Prince was preforming "Darling Nikki". I was shocked at the intensity of his stage performance.

 I was shocked at the intensity of his stage performance

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The song was catchy. It was hard rock. He oozed sex. The lights were red and you can see the rage in his eyes. Prince is no professional actor but when he's preforming on stage, you can't help but believe in the emotion he's portraying. But gosh when he began grinding I lost myself. I even looked over at him and raised my eyebrows. He winked at me. I got a bit nervous and turned back at the screen. It was an extremely hot scene no doubt.

It was finally near the end of the movie and I was enjoying it so much I felt cheesed. Every song so far was amazing. The one song that nearly made me cry was Purple Rain. Prince looked over at me with a smile near the end of the song and I looked back at him. He slowly touched my hand which was resting on the armrest. I twitched a bit in hesitation but finally released the tension in my hand. His eyes still kept on me. My face and hand began to heat up. His smile slowly disappeared. So had mine. Suddenly the moment became a bit too intense. I slowly removed my hand from his and smiled to make it less awkward. I then turned back at the screen. He was still looking at me. When he realized I wasn't turning back he gave up and looked back at the screen. I felt bad about shutting the moment down but I've been trying to protect myself ever since my last relationship. My heart is just not ready.
The movie was finally finished and everyone clapped. I clapped as hard as I could. He quickly got up and left before I could give him a hug. At the other end of our row was his bodyguard Big Chick, waiting. I guess he was following protocol so I wasn't upset at him bolting out as soon as the movie was over.


Once I got out of the theatre an interviewer from MTV approached Little Richard, Eddie Murphy and I and started asking corny questions.

He wanted know so much about the movie but I kept from speaking too much about it to avoid spoiling it for the fans

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He wanted know so much about the movie but I kept from speaking too much about it to avoid spoiling it for the fans. The interviewer asked Little Richard what he thought of the movie. "Prince is a very talented young man. He's me in this generation, so is Michael Jackson and the Beatles but ya'll already know that," he shouted. We all laughed. "I got this Bible for Prince with his name engraved and this other book called, Steps to Christ", he continued as he held up both books to the camera. At this point I was at a loss for words. Now is not the time. Little Richard is a loon but I love him. He's hilarious!


After getting home to my apartment, I quickly got undressed and jumped into the shower. There were a lot of people at the theatre and it got really hot. In the shower I somehow always turn into a philosopher. I start contemplating more than usual.

I began analyzing Prince's character in the movie, the kid. I came to the realization that his character was an egomaniac who manipulated Apollonia and tried to turn her into his possession. He didn't feel like he needed any of his band mates' input to make music. He slapped Apollonia just because she found a job working for his musical enemy. It's not like she had a lot of other options since she was broke barely living off of what little she had. She did ask for his help but he didn't. After slapping her he began to change his tone into a soft and loving tone asking her whether he makes her happy enough already. This was strangely uncomfortable to watch. I'm just hoping that he isn't anything like that in real life. The only way I can be sure of that is if I work with him or for him. If anyone knows Prince, it's his band mates since they spend the most time with him.

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