My First Double Date

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Waking up today all I could think about was Micki's lips. His soft dark pink lips. It gave me butterflies thinking about seeing him again.

The Grammy performance was around the corner. I don't even know what song Prince is deciding on preforming. After calling his home and his studio multiple times I finally went out  to see him. I figured I'd check out his studio first since he spends more time there than his actual house.
I pulled up and walked over to the door.
I knocked a few times and waited. There was no answer after a minute of waiting. Suddenly I heard some shovelling around.
"Prince I know you're there! Open the door!" I shouted as I banged on the door.
Finally the door knob started moving.  The door opened and right in front of me was Wendy but with long hair. She had on just Prince's signature white blouse on and nothing else. Her hair looked a bit messy. I can tell they got freaky in the studio last night.

"Hi... You must be Wendy's twin sister Susannah", I said as I wrapped my hands behind my back.
"And you're Sheila", she responds.
"Yep." I unlocked my hands from behind me and reached one hand towards her hoping she'd shake it.
She glanced at my hand and turned away from me. Right away I thought, this can't be good.
She walked inside and I walked in after her.
"Where's Prince?" I asked as her back still faced me.  She proceeded to pick up some garbage laying around the studio.
"Why", she asked in a suggestive tone.
"Well he asked me to drum for him during his Grammy performance. I just want to talk to  about that.
There was an awkward silence. She continued to clean up the studio.
I saw a bright pink thong on the floor she picked it up and put them on while smiling at me. I got a glimpse of her boney pale ass.
"Well why didn't you just call?" She asked me with attitude.
"Well I did call him a bunch of times and he didn't answer", I explained.
"Well that should tell you something."
"You're being very rude", I claimed as I rested my hands on my hips.
She put the garbage that she had in her hand down and mocked the way is stood.
I sighed.
"You know what, I'll just walk into this room", I said as I pointed at the door across from me. I figured he must be in there since he has a comfy couch in there.
As I walked up to the door she walked right behind me and grabbed my shoulder to pull me back. I stumbled back. I then shoved her away from me. She ended up slipping on an empty Doritos bag that had been laying on the floor and fell right on her back. The blouse she was wearing rolled up her torso revealing her bright pink thong and her pale stomach.
Before she got up I quickly opened the door to see Prince with head phones in listening to some records which kept him from knowing what was happening on the other side of the door. He had no cloths on but a blanket to cover his private part and had on lace stockings. I was not about to ask why he had lace stockings on.
He quickly dropped his headphones when he saw me. Susannah jumped in panting. She flipped her hair back to make it seem like nothing had just happened.
I looked away from her and pretended she didn't exist.
"Sorry to barge in unannounced but you haven't been taking my phone calls", I explained to Prince who was looking at Susannah trying to figure out what might have happened upon the two of us meeting.
"Well you rudely hung up on me yesterday."
"Oh so you knew I was calling you and willfully ignored?"
"I was busy."
"You look busy", I said sarcastically.
He looked over at Susanna who was still standing behind me with her arms crossed.
"Susannah, can you give us a minute please?" Prince asked with a soft tone.
I looked to see her look even more upset at the request.
"Please." I said as I gave her a slight condescending smirk.
Her face started to get red with furry. She finally walked out and closed the door.
"She's nice", I lied.
"So when were you going to tell me?"
"Tell you what?", I asked worried he found out about Micki and I.
"Don't play dumb. Or is there several things you're not telling me and want to know which one I found out about?" He asked as he clenched his jaw.
There was silence in the room.
"Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear it from Micki", he continued.
My heart fluttered.
"Prince ...I --"
"When were you going to tell me that you were asked to preform at the American Music Awards?"
I sighed in relief. I was ready for him to tell me he found out about my little meet and greet with Micki.
"I was going to mention it but you already told me you were invited to preform at both the Grammys and American Music Awards. I was waiting for the right moment."
"Right", he responded unconvinced.
"I didn't want to steal the attention off of your big news", I continued, trying to kiss ass.
He began to smile.
"That's very thoughtful of you."
I couldn't believe that actually worked. He ate it up. Truthfully I didn't tell him simply because I needed to get off the phone with him quickly to get ready to see Micki and Jody.

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