Chapter 9

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"The Hearse is her!" Grace called, looking out the window with a smile on her face.

"It's called a limo, idiot," Jasmine replied.

My smile grew unimaginably larger. We were taking a limo. The rest of them acted like it was no big deal, except for Grace who thought it was a funeral car, but I had never ridden in one and was so excited.

The doorbell rung. Grace squealed, "Oooo a noise!" We all laughed.

We descended the stairs with the guys' eyes on us. I almost tripped, but quickly recovered. We walked up to our dates, but mine had his eyes all over Rebecca.

     "Damn, Rebecca, you're looking fine tonight," Jessie said, leaning over to talk into her ear, though we all could still hear him. Rebecca's date, James, wrapped his arm around her waste and winked at her, before fist bumping Jessie behind her back. I rolled my eyes.

     I looked at Jessie. Wasn't he supposed to tell me that I looked beautiful? Or at least whisper something cute in my ear? Or maybe even look at me?

     After Patricia's mother took some pictures, who by the way had more Botox than all of the Kardashians combined, we left. Patricia's date opened the door for her, after she commanded him too and left it open for the rest of us. Jessie didn't help me in or anything like that. In fact, he climbed in first. I rolled my eyes and followed.

He also didn't really talk to me the whole way there. I mostly talked to Rebecca, Jasmine, and Grace. They were in good moods, and we were having fun.

Finally, we arrived at the high school. Homecoming was in the gym, big whoop. We took pictures with the professional photographer, then got into the gymnasium. I smiled. The decorations were pretty, everyone looked beautiful, and everything felt perfect. I didn't even mind having to go with Jessie that much. I mean, he was absolutely swoon worthy.

We danced for a while, then took a break to get drinks. Someone had spiked the punch, probably Patricia's date, knowing him, so I didn't have any, but Jessie drank up.

About halfway through the night, I couldn't find Jessie. I looked and looked for him for at least half an hour, before finally finding him dancing with Rebecca. Her date was with Jasmine making out in the corner. Jasmine's date, however, was no where to be seen. I briefly wondered where he went, but when Grace and her date were also missing, I had an idea of where the threesome was, and it wasn't PG.

So, seeing as I had no one to dance with, I figured I had no choice but to dance with Caesar. I had been wanting to talk to him all night.

I found him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and grinned at me. "Ashleigh! I didn't think we were going to be able to see each other tonight!" He said, excitedly.

     "Well my date is with another girl, so I have an excuse."

     He held his hand out to me, like a perfect gentleman. "Shall we dance?" He spoke in a British accent that was honestly atrocious. I giggled and took his hand.

We danced another couple songs, until I had to pee. I kissed him, then left, promising to be right back. He said he was going to wait by the punch table. I nodded, but told him not to drink it.

Okay, it's not like I was in the bathroom for ten minutes, no I went for two at the most, maybe three minutes, but when I got back, Caesar was nowhere to be found. I searched the whole gym for him, until Jasmine found me.

She looked mad. "Come with me," she commanded, fiercely grabbing my arm.

"Um, okay. Why?"

I got no response. She dragged me all the way to the football field. There, I could see the squad, surrounding something. Or someone.

As we approached them, I could see that they were holding Caesar down. Grace and Rebecca each holding an arm. Patricia stood in front of him, her arms crossed. If I thought Jasmine was mad before, Patricia was absolutely furious.

"What's going on?" I asked, standing beside Patricia. Jasmine helped hold Caesar.

"Yeah, why the hell was I kidnapped?" Caesar asked, fighting against the girls, but they had death grips on him.

"Ashleigh, I knew you had something going on with this twerp. I forbade you from seeing him, but what did you do? You dated him behind my back. I told you there would be consequences. He's going to pay the price," Patricia said, looking murderous.

"We're going to kill him! Yay!" Grace cheered.

"Tell me Grace is being Grace. Tell me it isn't true. You can't kill somebody, Patricia. That's below even you!" I yelled.

"Grace is right. He's not making it out alive," Rebecca said. She smiled devilishly.

     "You have to be kidding me. I know you hate me, but seriously? Even you can't talk your way out of this one, you'll get caught," Caesar said.

     "No we won't. Haven't you ever heard the saying, beautiful girls can get away with murder. And would you look at that, I'm beautiful, and so are Jasmine, Rebecca, and Grace. Four times the beauty, so I think we'll be fine. It's you two I'd worry about."

     I leapt at Patricia, doing anything I could to stop her, but Jasmine dragged me off of her and kept me restricted. I screamed at her to drop me, but she just held tighter.

"Don't worry, Ash, my namesake, Julius Caesar, got stabbed like a million times and survived. I'll be fine. I can evade death!" Caesar said.

     Patricia got up in Caesar's face. She put a plastic glove on. Then she pulled a pocket knife out of her bra. "Guess what, Caesar, my pimple is bigger than your future, and my face is as clear as day, so that means you have no future!" Patricia said, then drove the blade into my boyfriend's temple. He was dead before he hit the ground.

     I screamed at the top of my lungs and cried. Jasmine finally released me, and I flew to him. I hugged him and cried into his chest. Blood poured out of his head wound. His eyes were locked open, in a cold, dead stare. His mouth was slightly parted and his skin ashen. I wrapped my hand around the knife.

     Then Patricia screamed at the top of her lungs in fake horror. Two teachers came running up behind her.

     "Please help! Ashleigh is psychotic! She just killed that poor boy! And he was so nice too. I thought we were friends, Ashleigh!" Patricia said, crying fake tears.

     "I didn't do it! Patricia did! They're monsters! Every last one of them!" I got up and started walking towards them. The four of them screamed like they thought I was going to kill them too.

     "Please help us!" Rebecca said to the teachers.

     They hid behind the male one, Mr. Larue, I think his name was. "No, you have to believe me. I didn't do this. They're crazy! They all are!"

     Sirens wailed, as police cars pulled into the school. Officers ran out at us. The rest is a blur. I remember being shoved into a cop car. They brought me to the station. Two weeks later, I was in juvie.

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