Chapter 8

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I woke up the morning of homecoming with a big smile on my face. I sat up and stretched, eager to start the day. I was going to my first dance with a cute guy, even if he was egotistical and not my boyfriend.

     I jumped off of the mattress and raced into the shower, ready for the day to start. I took a quick shower then got dressed in my uniform.

     For once, I wasn't bothered by the overwhelming silence in my house. I plugged my phone into its speaker and blasted music. I was in a very good mood. I was almost too excited to eat breakfast, but I managed to get a banana down.

     I grabbed my messenger bag and pulled on my Mary Janes, before leaving the house. The cold air hit me, and I stumbled back a few steps. However, the smile crept back onto my face with ease. I laughed and started the walk to school.

     "Morning Patricia!" I called, as I walked on to school grounds. The squad was sitting in her warm car. They normally all drove themselves to school, in their beautiful cars, but today Patricia drove them all.

     Patricia offered to drive me, since I didn't have a car, because she was repulsed by the idea of a person affiliated with her walking to school. "Gross! Walking is for the homeless!" She used to say. At the time I laughed it off and pretended it didn't have any effect on me. It actually offended me, but if I told them that, they wouldn't have cared. They'd just tell me to lighten up or something.

     "Hello Ashleigh," she answered. I leaned against her car. The bell rang, loud, piercing through the early winter air. It was now late November and starting to get chilly.

All anyone could talk about was the dance. Everyone was excited. The squad was too cool for excitement, but even they were looking forward to it.

When the final bell rang, I was immediately swept away with the squad. "Time to get ready!" Jasmine chimed, pushing me forward. I smiled, as we all rushed outside. The sun was shining, and the air was cool. It was going to be a great night. I could feel it.

We all piled into Patricia's car, Patricia driving, Rebecca in the passenger seat, and Grace, Jasmine, and I in the back. I was in the middle, unfortunately.

Patricia waved to her boyfriend, Trent Connors. They had an on again off again relationship, but were currently on. Mostly for Homecoming.

     Trent blew her a kiss, and she giggled, then drove away. Rebecca reached forward and cranked the radio. All felt good in the world. Perfect. I felt perfect.

We drove back to Patricia's mansion. It was beautiful, with the cliche fountain in front. I hadn't been there yet, so my jaw dropped, as we turned in. I had never seen a house so big in person.

The rest of the girls didn't even blink twice, as we marched through the foyer and up the red carpeted stairs. It was all like a movie.

Patricia's room was bigger than my kitchen. Seriously. She had a walk in closet and an en-suite bathroom. Her closet was probably close to the size of my room. My eyes widened in disbelief, as I walked around, like in a dream.

     Jasmine headed straight for the closet. I sat down on Patricia's bed.

     "I'm hungry. Are we going to eat before we go?" I asked, leaning back on my palms.

     They all turned and looked at me in sync, as if I had suddenly grown a spiky tail. Make that two. "Eating so close to the dance! You'll look fat. We're in fasting mode now," Rebecca explained, rolling her eyes.

     "Even I know that, and my GPA is 0.0," Grace said, grinning.

     "Is that even possible?" Jasmine asked, her arms still in the closet.

     "For Grace it is," Patricia commented. I let out a laugh.

     Grace was so clichely stupid. Yes, I know that isn't a word. But who cares! I certainly don't. Grammar doesn't matter to you when you're in a facility for juvenile delinquents. 

     Their world was magical but deadly. Like my roommate's farts.

     Jasmine handed Patricia her dress. It was pink, floor length, and gorgeous. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It must have cost thousands of dollars. I gasped and automatically reached out to touch it.

     It felt so soft and flowy, like a princess gown. Patricia would look like a goddess in it.

     Then Rebecca was handed her dress. It was dark blue and white with dazzling sparkles. It wasn't as elaborate as Patricia's, but it was still gorgeous.

     Grace's was yellow and white. It suited her personality perfectly. It ended at her ankles.

     Jasmine pulled out her own dress. It was green and dragged on the floor. She ran a hand down the beautiful fabric, and it rippled like a majestic puddle. Have you ever seen a majestic puddle? I don't think I have. Except for that dress of course.

     Then she handed me mine. My jaw dropped. It was white at the top, then faded to a deep shade of purple. It was strapless and silky soft. I felt like crying, that's how beautiful it was. I couldn't believe it was mine. I wanted to put it on that very second.

     After a few more minutes of admiring our dresses and each other's dresses, we set them down and started our hair and makeup. Jasmine did all of ours, and Patricia did hers. Jasmine buzzed around like a bumblebee on steroids, doing each of us in record speed, but still flawlessly.

     She gave me a sort of smoky eye look to go with my darker dress. I also had a darker shade of lipstick on. My hair was curled and hung around my face beautifully.

     Finally, it was time to put our dresses on. I pulled mine over my body, the fabric practically caressing my skin. I couldn't help but smile, as I pulled it on.

     Everyone stood in front of the mirror before me, admiring themselves and making different poses.

     Finally, it was my turn. I slowly walked up to the full body mirror. I looked into it. Even I had to admit that I looked stunning. I couldn't believe that it was me in the mirror. I even looked behind me to see if someone else was there. No one was. It was just me, and I loved it.

     I was so excited for Homecoming. I shouldn't have gone.


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