Chapter 15: Father Daughter Bonding❤️
~HyoRi's P.O.V~
"*Yawn* Finally up! Wow that was a nice sleep, wait what time is it??" I looked at my clock and saw it was almost 1.
"What!!" I quickly went to the bathroom and went outside, when I got out I called out for the guys but no answer.
I looked at the fridge where their schedule was and saw that they all had something going on today and they all left at around 5-10am.
"I didn't even get to make them breakfast, what if they didn't eat? Ugh!!" I said to myself.
I noticed there was a note on the fridge right beside the schedules.
'Hey HyoRi!! So we all have schedules today and I didn't wanna wake you up since I heard you and Donghae came home late last night sooo anyways just call us if you need anything. My car keys are in my room if you wanna go somewhere and we ate breakfast if you were wondering love you <3 -Heechul'
"Okayyy sooo what to do," I sat upside down on the couch.
Just then I heard phone started ringing, I quickly got up and reached for the phone.
~Phone Call~
Me: Hello?
Appa: HyoRi?
Me: Appa!!! How are you?
Appa: I'm great! What about you?
Me: I'm fine appa.
Appa: Thats good, where's the boys? It's unusually quiet over there.
Me: Hahaha they're at their schedules so I'm left alone.
Appa: Oh that's why.
Me: Yup it's pretty boring actually.
Appa: I'm getting off of work in about an hour we can go out and have dinner after.
Me: Really!!!
Appa: Haha yes.
Me: Okay okay! I'm gonna go get ready!! Eeee I'm so excited its been a while.
Appa: I know! Okay I'll pick you up after I get off work see you soon love you!!
Me: Love you too appa!!!
~End of Phone Call~
After the phone call I quickly went to my room and took a shower, I curled my hair and I wore a peach top, black jeans and some jewelry. When I came out from my room the home phone started ringing, I quickly took the phone and answered it.
~Phone Call~
Me: Hello?
Ryeowook: HyoRi hey it's Ryeowook, what are you doing?
Me: I'm waiting for my dad,why?

A Kpop star for a Brother!
FanfictionKim HyoRi was a 21 year old girl, she went to America with her mom, she studied there from grade 5 till high school, she had an older brother who she was really close with, they haven't seen each other since she left Korea, they text each other ever...