Hey!!!! Okay okay!! So i got this crazy but fun idea, how about we do like a small little contest. Like I ask questions, not really ask but like post questions, about Super Junior then you guys need to answer, the first two that gets all the questions right gets to be in the story as HyoRi's friends from America and I'll even make your character end up with your bias from any group, girl group or boy group, just tell me and I'll make it happen!!! Comment saying 'yes' or anything that says you want to do this or vote or yeah anything that shows me that you want to do this "contest" I think it will be fun😊😊😊 uhm just to be clear it might take some time though until I publish it cuz like sometimes I just can't think of what to write so yeah!!!

A Kpop star for a Brother!
FanfictionKim HyoRi was a 21 year old girl, she went to America with her mom, she studied there from grade 5 till high school, she had an older brother who she was really close with, they haven't seen each other since she left Korea, they text each other ever...