A Kpop star for a Brother!

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Hi my name is Kim HyoRi, I went to America with my mom, I studied there until I was 21, I'm turning 22 in a week, I would be spending it in Korea with my brother and my dad. It's been 13 or 14 years since I saw them, I mean I see them like video chat and message them.

I was shocked when I found out my brother was part of a k-pop boy group, I started listening to their songs and watching their videos and fell in love with their group andddd fell more in love with one of their members, Lee Donghae, ahh even just saying his name makes my heart beat! I finally get to spend time with my dad and brother even if its not everyday, even just a little bit I would be happy :)


Heyyyyyyy!!! Okay I know it's a short introduction but I just can't wait to write the first chapter!!

Also please check out my other story called "Living with Super Junior" I love writing stories, usually I would just make them up in my head but now I can share it with everyone yay!

Okay well that's all and I'm posting chapters like uhm there's not really a specific day where I'm gonna post chapters, it just be like random days so yeah! Okay bye!!!

A Kpop star for a Brother!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu