Chapter 3: Fun Morning :)
~HyoRi's P.O.V~
I was woken up by a loud bang and a crash outside, I sat up and looked at the clock, it was 6 in the morning, why are they up already? They don't even have a schedule today, I jumped out of bed and tied my hair into a messy pony tail, wait this isn't my room, ohh right I couldn't sleep last night so I came here in Donghae oppa's room, I cleaned up the bed and headed outside.
When I stepped in the kitchen some of the guys were eating, in the living room some were watching and talking and Ryewook and Kyuhyun were running around, Ryewook was chasing Kyuhyun.
"Oh cutie, good morning," Heechul walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"What's going on? Why is Ryewook oppa chasing Kyuhyun oppa?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"Oh them, well Kyuhyun hid..." before he could say anything else Ryewook yelled.
"Yah! Where's my giraffe?!" he grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at Kyuhyun.
"*evil laugh* I'm never going to tell you!" he yelled back.
"Well there you go," Heechul said drinking his coffee.
"Oh, wait what was that loud bang and the crash?" I asked.
"Oh well the bang was from Ryewook slamming his door and the crash was when Kyuhyun threw a pillow at Ryewook but it ended up hitting the glass vase," he pointed at the table beside the sofa in the living room, Leeteuk and Siwon were cleaning it, while Sungmin was putting the flower in a new vase with water.
"Ahh, but why is everyone up already?" I asked.
"Oh cuz none of us could sleep anymore because of their screaming," he said taking another sip of his coffee.
"Oh, so where did..." I didn't get to finish me sentence when a pillow hit me in the face, "yah! who did that?!" I glared at both of them, Ryewook pointed at Kyuhyun, he ran to the living room and hid.
I grabbed the pillow and went in the living room, I spotted Kyuhyun hiding under a blanket in front of Shindong and Eunhyuk.
"Oppa, can you do me a favor?" I whispered in Shindong oppa's ear.
"Sure, what can I do for you?" he whispered back.
"Can you tell Kyuhyun I left so when he comes out of the blanket I can hit him in a surprise attack?" I whispered to him, he nodded and turned to Kyuhyun, I hid behind the sofa.
"Yah Kyuhyun~ah! She left," then Kyuhyun came out and stood up.
"Whew~I could've di..." before he could say anything else I quickly stood up and hit him in the face with the pillow.
"Yeah! I got chuuu!" I laughed.
"Yah! Hyung said you left!" Kyuhyun screamed.
"Yeah not really," I stuck out my tongue.
"Oh it's on," he grabbed the pillow on the floor and threw it at me, I quickly ducked and the pillow hit Donghae.
"Yah!" he yelled, he grabbed the pillow and threw it at Kyuhyun but he ducked and it hit Leeteuk.
"Donghae!" Leeteuk threw the pillow but it hit Heechul.
"What the heck!" He grabbed a pillow and threw it, it soon became a pillow fight.
I gathered up as many pillows as I can and hid behind the couch an started throwing them, the pillow fight was long it was already 8, I was carried up from behind and was placed on the couch, it was Heechul.

A Kpop star for a Brother!
FanfictionKim HyoRi was a 21 year old girl, she went to America with her mom, she studied there from grade 5 till high school, she had an older brother who she was really close with, they haven't seen each other since she left Korea, they text each other ever...